by Travis
QUESTION: I was thinking about buying a sword from Valiant Armoury on the internet. The main swords I was looking at were the war sword, the agincourt, and the Scottish sword. After reading some of your articles I started to somewhat doubt myself. I was wondering if you had any advice on these swords or the brand in general. Am I getting a good deal or am I getting tricked?
Thank you.
ANSWER: Hi Travis,
I wouldn't say you are getting tricked. Valiant are undergoing some big changes at the moment under the guidance of their new owner, Sonny Suttles - who bought the company late last year when the previous owner, who used to supply CAS Iberia, passed away.
His new designs are much better looking than what was available previously. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
As to the old swords, most were pretty good for the price, if a bit 'sharpened crowbarish'.
Hope this helps.
- Paul