Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
This page is a quick overview. For detailed information and comparisons between swords currently available on the market, you can jump to your area of interest using the links below.
When it comes to medieval swords, fortunately there is a massive and
ever changing range to choose from (in terms of sheer popularity, they
are second only to the Japanese Katana).
But in our US$300 price range (ignoring the purely decorative pieces that is) I think we can more or less narrow down the selection to three main categories of functional replicas.
The first are relatively cheap battle ready replicas just under the $200 price point, the second category are priced between $200 to $500 and are basically either one handed knightly arming swords or - the most popular - longswords. And the final category are big, mean and heavy two handed great swords..
Beyond this price point, historical accuracy becomes paramount - and we touch on these swords briefly too.
The late sword scholar, Ewart Oakeshott, was the first historian to take a serious acamdemic look at the various types of medieval swords and created his own system of classification that is used by both sword makers and collectors to classify them.
To learn this system, check our article 'Oakeshott Typology Made Easy' or the related article which highlights the most important swords in his classification system, '5 Medieval Sword Types that Changed the Course of History'.
So without any further ado, let us begin our foray with the most affordable, many of which are surprisingly good quality..
What follows is a quick overview.
For a detailed look at sub $250 medieval swords:
In our quest to find some decently priced, battle ready swords it should come as no surprise that we can quickly dismiss the absolute cheapest, typical stainless steel wall-hanger "medieval" swords commonly available online for around the $50 to $100 price point.
Most of these are "medieval" in name only and are actually more like decorative fantasy pieces than anything else, with all their inherent weaknesses and none of the strengths of real medieval swords..
To be able to find truly battle ready swords (click the link if you are unfamiliar what to look for in a real sword) at a decent price point, two companies seem to stand out - both from India: Deepeeka and Windlass Steelcrafts, though not all of their products are created equal..
But dig deeper and you will see they aren't the only ones, and while the $250 price point and below is a squeeze for functional medieval swords, there are some jewels in the proverbial junk (though sadly, the ratio of jewels to junk is not very favorable unless you know where to look - such as at the reviews and info below for example!)..
We never intentionally buy a one star sword you know.. Looks okay at first glance. But.. $147
It's sturdy, blunt and cheap, and a favorite of re-enactors on a budget. $175.95
Buying medieval swords at this kind of price point is a big gamble. But sometimes, it pays off - and this one is worth the price tag.. 164.95
Ryujin Arming Sword
A great choice for a first 'beater' arming sword, it's great value, sturdy and while far from perfect, is one of the better entry level arming swords out there. $250 ![]() |
But there are more - and the number is growing all the time, and some - well, are surprisingly good. Find out more below.
What follows is a quick overview.
For a detailed look at Knightly Arming Swords and Longswords:
There were primarily two types of medieval swords used by European gentry - the single handed arming sword and the longsword - also known as a "bastard" sword or "hand and a half" sword depending on which era you are looking back at them from..
Arming swords were basically designed to be used primarily with a shield, though using them alone was not unheard of - and were the earliest type of medieval sword, coming in many different styles and subtle configurations.
In our $200 to $500 price point, quality and performance varies - some are designed to be beaters, others quite refined. And none truly stand out, which one to choose comes down largely to a matter of budget and personal taste.
Definitely not a bad sword for the money, and a true Windlass classic. $249.95
A exceptionally good replica of the original, though it had a few teething troubles to get there.. $362.99
It's attractive, fairly historically accurate - and darned near indestructible..! Very tough. $600
Sturdy enough, and a decent replica of a historical type X/Xa.But you either love it or hate it, there really is no neutral opinion on this one $349
KoA Irish KernA late medieval sword favored by Irish mercenaries, it borders on the high end in both quality and price. $680 ![]() |
When it comes to readily available longswords (and also bastard swords) there are some pretty solid choices.
For the most part however, they are not shipped particularly sharp. But there are some exceptions..
Ornate, attractive, tough and handles so well it's hard to put down - the latest swords from Darksword set a new mid-range standard.. $655
Designed by Michael 'Tinker' Pearce, harmonically balanced & handles with the best of them, though availability can be an issue. $249
While not the best 'Tinker' Pearce design, it is an excellent sword for the money and is very hard to fault for the price. $234
Windlass Towton SwordWas discontinued for years, but came back new and improved as part of the Windlass signature series. $379 ![]() |
While all of these swords are good and have their Pros and Cons, there are one additional series to consider
from Windlass Steelcrafts. Working in collaboration with John Clements
from the ARMA (Association for Renaissance Martial Arts) Windlass came up with the so called
"Battlecry" series.
A serviceable and decent sword for the price, though the blackened finish does put some off. $282
While the blackened, stonewashed blades (done as a cost cutting measure instead of polishing them to keep the price down) may not appeal to everyone, they are eminently practical and well worth a serious look.
Click here for our overview of the Battlecry Series and decide for yourself if these are the medieval swords for you.
What follows is a quick overview.
For a detailed look at Two Handed Great and War Swords:
The third main category may not always be the most historically accurate. But they are certainly extremely popular - and is of course Two handed great swords in various shapes and configurations.
While our definition of a two handed sword may at times be less than scholarly, the one thing all of these swords have in common is DURABILITY.
Otherwise though, it is again a matter of budget, availability and personal taste.
Get a big picture overview and see for yourself.
It's big, bad and beefy. And actually fairly historically accurate. Anyone in the market for a Zweihander could do a lot worse. $399
With a blade bigger than the whole length of most two handed swords, this sword is a monster and very affordable too. Loosely based on the historical 'Wallace' Sword. $256
Historically accurate, handles well and tough as nails. Pictures rarely do it justice to show how BIG it is really is. Just wish they would keep them in stock.. $289
Affordable, tough and well made - one of the best Scottish Great swords on the market, period. $259
The 'jewel in the junk' of a series some rather clunky beaters by Hanwei - it is actually a great example of a rarely reproduced Oakeshott blade type. $232
The 'antiqued' version of this classic, slightly sinister looking Hanwei sword design. Another Hanwei that is a lot bigger in person than what the pictures suggest. $223
Historically accurate and a typical example of a Del Tin. That is to say, excellent. $487
A historically accurate, tough and attractive two handed late medieval Germanic Longsword with distinctive fish-tail pommel. Greatly improved and upgraded over the years. $600
Attractive, tough and well made - but a tad on the heavy side. $600
A great handling and nicely made Irish sword by Gen 2/Legacy Arms. $299.99
Looks good - but this DSA offshoot series is nowhere near as tough as a real Darksword blade. $325
For some people, the most important factor when selecting their swords is strict historical accuracy: not just in appearance, but in handling and design.
And the general consensus in the sword community is if you want a sword that looks, handles and feels as close to the originals as possible (and have the money to spend) - most people in the know recommend Albion Armorers
"These medieval swords are truly as close as you can get to
the real thing (without going custom or buying an actual antique) and
are very popular with well to do history buffs..."
While the construction methods may be very modern, each of their medieval swords is the result of many countless hours of museum research and testing to produce a sword that weighs, handles and performs the same as the original antiques they are based upon.
Naturally, swords like this command quite a premium, with price tags for their next Generation medieval swords starting at around US$650 and going up well in excess of the US$1000 mark (even the simple, rather plain scabbards cost more than most of the swords reviewed above!).
But THE other name for high performance swords is undoubtedly the legendary Angus 'Gus' Trim (who used to work with Albion in the early days incidentally). Between these two, the market for high end swords is their playground.
Read the reviews below to find out why..
Almost perfect, maybe too perfect, and a fairly typical example of a high end Albion Sword. $880
Most Albion reviews are done by raving 'fan boys;. Instead, this is an impartial review by your average sword collector. $880
Albion Squire Line
Albion lowers their prices on the Squire Line. But it would seem did not quite hit the mark to dominate the mid-range swords as many had hoped. $473 ![]() |
Review of one of the limited edition releases through Kingston Arms. $1200
Click on an image for the Archived Review
Angus Trim Makers Mark XIIa Longsword: Gus doesn't make the makers mark series these days, with this review representing his swords at the pinnacle of production with a move towards a better aesthetic when previously it had all been about performance.
For images and information on actual antique medieval swords (including how they are found, what they are worth and some images and galleries) click here
You can find a whole host of great information on mid to high level production and custom made medieval weapons and armor at including numerous cool articles, hands on reviews, wallpapers, forums and much, much more.
Highly recommended and a very nicely laid out and professional site.
It's also recommended that you check out anything written by the late
great master sword Scholar, Ewart Oakeshott - in particular his
signature work "Records of the Medieval
Sword". For a quick and easy to understand guide to his typology of medieval swords, click here.
Finally, we have a whole plethora of information and additional user submitted reviews on our very own SBG sword forum - be sure to drop by, I think you might like your stay..
I hope this information on medieval swords has been helpful. To return to the SBG Homepage from Affordable Replicas of Medieval Swords, click here