Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
Got sword questions? We have the answers!
First off though, before asking your question, please check to see if someone else has already asked the same thing and do a quick search of our site to get the fastest answer possible!
First, if your question falls into one of the categories below, click the link to submit to the most appropriate department.
Questions on Sword Makers and Sellers
Questions on Sword Care, Repair and Maintenance
If your questions don't fit into any of these categories, simply use the form below, ask your question as clearly as possible (scroll down to the bottom of the page for our submission guidelines to get the fastest answer) and we will sort it out for you.
You can add pictures, and have a word limit of 10,000 words - so feel free to go into as much detail as you need and I will personally get back to you with the info you are looking for and then other site visitors will have a chance to add their own recommendations!
The only limitation is - because of spammers* every question and comment needs to be approved before it goes live - and please do not use any profanity or post anything aggressive or uncivilized in tone or your post will be deleted and you will be banned from contributing again..
Ask your sword questions here!
Click below to see questions (and my answers) from other SBG visitors...
Where to sell used LOTR swords?
I Have a fair collection of United Cutlery Lord of the Rings swords. (As well as some other movie replica swords: Kingdom of Heaven, Rambo, etc.) I'm …
Old MRL Viking sword 1986
I have a question about an old MRL Viking sword that I bought on Ebay. On a wikipedia page concerning MRL they claim that the first company that …
Sword and knife steels.
hello, being more in the world of knives and being aware that what applies to knives should not be extrapolated to the swords, I would like to have clarification …
What is the difference in the Scottish Claymore and the Highlander Claymore?
Some time ago I purchased a Claymore from Scarborough Fair. The seller asked me if I knew what type of claymore it was. I don't remember what I answered …
is this a scabbard?
Hi everyone. I was out collecting firewood today on our local beach at the mouth of the river Spey in scotland and I came across this piece of …
What Kind of Sword is This?
Recently bought this sword, but I have no idea from where or when it was made. It's heavy and it's big. Blade looks like it's European, but the grip and …
So I was told to find you guys from my friend. He claims that Damascus steel is the worst thing ever and I want to defend that claim. Being from Syria …
How do you fit an aftermarket tsuba?
Is it possible to remove a Tsuba from a Katana without destroying it?, specifically, I was planning on buying either a Mushashi Rosewood Shirasaya or a …
Cold Steel Scottish Broadsword.
Does anyone know what the thread is on the tang of a Cold Steel Scottish Broadsword?
where can I learn how to use a Katana?
So I have been searching where I can learn how to use a sword properly and I can't find any dojos that teach proper sword technique. Any Ideas?
has anyone got and Indian Khanda antique sword for sale?
I am looking to buy an Indian khanda sword. Like something close to the one attached.
Can you please tell me any info at all about this sword?
I came across this sword at a sale. It looked intriguing so I bought it for a couple of bucks. By the picture is there any info you could provide or where …
What Kind of Sword Is This?
I recently bought this sword at an second hand store as it was a bargain price and just couldn't resist. just thought it would make a nice display when …
What kind is this?
Is this anything of value? I was just going to donate to good will, but wanted to keep if it was worth something.
Should I worry about the strength of my sword after I sanded on it?
So I have a Cheness Kurome that had two small "nicks" on the right face of the sword close to the habaki. I was worried about dirt and grime getting caught …
Vibration of swords
My Hanwei practical Norman sword vibrates when slapped on the pommel, or on the blade, is that normal? Im quite new, infect this is my first sword so I'm …
What sword is this?
I recently bought this sword at an impulse as it was a low price and I couldn't resist. It was beside several other fictional swords from Legend of Zelda, …
Imperial Forge Limited Edition Folded Steel Katana IF1000LTD vs Hanwei 30th Anniv. Musashi Katana
Hello, I have done hours of research on line. I want a quality folded katana for looks,toughest,sharpness. in the 750- 1000 dollar range. I want to learn …
Reshaping a Blade
Hi, I've been thinking about buying and customizing a Hanwei Tinker Great Sword of War, and one of the changes would be to make the tip of the sword pointed …
Value of Sword of Ibelin 2016, by Windlass
Sword value, as new, no scabbard.
Best QAMA available, and where at?
Wanting to add a QAMA short sword to my collection. Suggestions on the Best, most functional Qama available would be very appreciative. Thank you.
What Kind of Sword Is This?
My nephew recently purchased this sword from a small shop here in Virginia, where a woman whose husband recently passed away brought it in to sell on consignment. …
Hello, I need some help in my katana i recently purchased. It is the MASAHIRO WHITE SHADOW KATANA. I did some research on it but recently seen some reviews …
What is the special grip needed for a narrow hilt viking sword?
In your review of Ronin Katana's Euro sword line, you mentioned that the hilt on the model 8 was roomier than on a traditional Viking sword and that the …
Koto Katana "Black Damascus 1065"
I've been meaning to buy this sword but I'm not sure. It says it was once made of 1045 carbon steel but now it's 1065. The price stayed the same which …
Swords from the Indian Subcontinent
Hello all
I have recently seen a video or two from scholagladitora about the kinds of swords one may find on the Indian subcontinent and I was wondering …
Equal HRC properly tempered comparison, through vs deferential
In a real world environment, if two swords of comparably properly tempered HRC ratings are matched, is there really any difference between swords made …
Tsunami tiger forge? Anyone?
So im seeing this new forge or maybe they have been around called Tsunami Tiger. Anyone really know anything about them? Their swords look okay. A lot …
Questions on authenticity and price Witchking Sword
I recently purchased a replica of the sword of the Witchking from The Lord of the Rings at a local shop and I am curious about whether or not it's some …
will my sword say anything like made in china.
I have been looking at swords for a while now on the site of kult of athena. but before i buy them, how will i know if the have anything like MADE IN CHINA …
trying to find my sword
I have a sword I bought 20 years ago it is a two handed broad sword with a bronze hilt that has a skull dagger that comes out of the hilt it has no markings …
Looking for the best medieval practice swords, I'm new to this.
I want two swords exactly the same for me and friends to begin practicing in HEMA type style of fighting. However my budget is 150$ and below, so I don't …
Pricing help
We're having a Yard Sale and someone donated these to be sold. I have no clue to ask for $5 or $50. Would anyone know what a fair asking price is on these? …
Machete vs Swords
How come a 20 dollar machete can cut better and last longer than a 5-Star rated sword (like Ronin Katana Dojo Pro for example) Is it because of the length? …
Is EN45 Carbon Spring Steel a good material for Rapiers?
Hello! I was going to purchase a rapier, while I know carbon steel is great for weapons, I am unsure about this variation and have heard unless properly …
Info on viking sword
This was purchased for about $600 and feels and looks great. The steel seems to be high carbon and it just looks and feels very real as opposed to fake …
UK Japanese blade polisher? Prices?
So, I bought a new katana (not traditional Japanese made, Chinese made but not a real cheap one.) a couple days back and it arrived with a small spot of …
I want a tough sword.
I have a few battle ready swords and while I enjoy them I'm afraid of a break or scratch. I'm aware of what authenticity in a sword means but it's not …
Best around metal for sword
Hello. Recently got into swords. I bought a 1090 sword and have a 1045. Plan on buying more. In your opinion for strength and laying life which is the …
Mystically electrocharged swords
So I've recently heard of this thing about charging a katana with electro magnets and certain metals holding the charge longer for the purpose of easier …
hanwei L6 or powdered steel...
I bought my ol'lady a hanwei ppk elite because she wanted a quality sword so with research I settled on it, after I gave it to her I got the bug BAD.. …
Thoughts in this Wakizashi?
Good evening SBG. I was curious about your thoughts on this Wakizashi
It's made by the Kult of Athena exclusive manufacturer Iron Tiger Forge, and …
What kind of sword is this
My father gave me this sword and I know my aunt bought it in Europe a long time ago, I can't find any info on it, the only thing I can find is a similar …
Variety of Sword made from steel
Dear Sir / Mam, Greetings to SBG.
Which is more powerful, durable and last for a lifetime.
1.) Carbon steel blade
2.) Cold steel blade
3.) T10 …
Newbie help! Doing some sword research
Hi guys,
I'm writing a novel and as my characters have swords as their weapon of choice, I thought I'd do some fact checking. Trouble is there is so …
field MK4 last legend Katana
Hi guys I have a field MK 4 dragonfly last legend competition katana that I purchased in 2005 which has spent it's entire life hung on my wall. I am reluctanty …
Geisha's Blade sword quality
You have been a great help to my sword-buying quests in the past, and I am hoping you might be so again with this latest adventure.
Several …
I would like a a katana tsuba and fittings custom made.
I know this sounds odd and unfitting to katana owners, but I would very much like a custom tsuba and fittings designed after the the symbols of the knights …
Is this sword of any value?!
Around 20 years ago I purchased the attached sword from an "antiques" market in China and although I am aware it is only a decorative piece I wondered …
Disposing of 'junk' swords
Unfortunately I made the mistake of buying swords years ago before I really knew what I was looking for. Now I'm stuck with four swords that are rather …
Question about sword covers.
I just purchased a sword, and with it came a care guide, in the guide it states I need to keep the cloth cover on at all times. Even if I'm just using …
"Hero-Sword" Brand
Hello All,
I was wondering if anybody has ever heard and or acquired one of these "Hero-Sword" swords. Found this one (attached) on Ebay and bought …
What is the Difference between a sword with Bohi & no Bohi?
Should I trust this medieval sword on ebay?
Is this "fully functional battle sword" really what it says it is?
I would hate to make an uninformed decision, so i seek the wisdom of wise professionals. …
retro fitting shirasaya sword?
I have a shirasaya sword i would like to retrofit to traditional katana components with a universal handle with no holes in it. I know what I need to get …
Does U.S currency work, and is this axe worth it?
There is an axe from a German sword site ( that I want to buy, but I have two problems. My first problem is that I do not know if …
Glamdring with scabbard
I really appreciate this website.
Swords are awesome, but not having a ton of money to throw around, its good to know what is quality work and …
Folded Blades
I just finished reading the blog post 'Sword Steels 101' and would like to know if folded high carbon steel blade such as the Dokuji Nami Sanmai …
looking for a functional estoc
Just seeing if you know of any company's that make a good functional estoc.
What do I have?
I was given a sword and I would like more information on the style and the sword history of this sword.
Who can value sword collection
Hi, I just purchased 8 swords from a Ringo Star Auction and wonders who can help tell me more about their origin and value
Cold steel MAA Grosse messer durability
Hello, this is a lot of great information here! Thank you for this interesting site. My question is about the durability and toughness of the newer MAA …
Sword school in Ames, Iowa
I live in Ames, Iowa and am a student of Iowa state university. I want to take sword fighting lessons and I was wondering if you could tell me which school …
I'd like a short review or thoughts on a sword
QUESTION: CAS Hanwei Practical Plus XL Light Katana Is a sword I'm considering buying, I've looked up and down your site, and you have a review of a …
Sword Belt
QUESTION: So I was looking around online and discovered a somewhat ridiculous product called the belt sword. Basically, it's a fairly flexible blade …
Does anyone have the firestalker sword? I want to know about the tang
QUESTION: I am deeply in love with the blade of the firestalker sword and I am on a mission to find out if the tang is at all decent. I am well aware …
Thoughts on upright sword stands
QUESTION: My question is this. Will an upright sword stand do anything to hurt the blade?? Also what is the proper way to place the katana.....with the …
sword blanks
QUESTION: Hi its Michael again.
Here's another question for yall. Where in the world can I buy a cheap sword blank. And for yall who dont know what …
tang soo do sword
QUESTION: Hello,my name is michael, this is the first time I admit trying this, but hey I have tried everything else so why not. I currently practice …
Gen 2 Sting
Hey Paul,
Does anyone still have any of the Generation 2 Sting swords in stock? I bought one of the High Elven King Swords, and it is bad …
Is this for real?
Hey Paul,
There is a site that quoted you on the same page that they made an unbelievable offer on a sword you rated. The sword in question was …
Authentic Ninja Swords
QUESTION: You do a great job of reviewing and sourcing quality swords online. (Really are good at it!)
Im thinking of getting a Bujinkan sword and …
How can I find a functional and sharp Sashka style saber?
QUESTION: Hi, I'm interested in becoming proficient in saber style swordsmanship, specifically the shaskha with the guard-less hilt, and have a cheap …
Hey, how did you pick out....
QUESTION: The song Sons of Odin? Sorry fore being so off topic, but when I heard it I first thought I had hit the play key on my computer- I paused the …
we need some opinions with this.
QUESTION: the seller of the pictured tanto says this has an 8.5 inch blade with a 5.5 inch my old eyes deceive me?.........or does the …
How do jingums differ from katanas?
QUESTION: I am now interested in jingums. I just wonder how they are different from katanas. As far as I understand, the differences are the tip, the …
So you can't afford a sword?
Just to let you know you got a great site here. It's full of interesting stuff - but I suppose you already know that.
I am …
Functional Glamdring
QUESTION: Do you know of anyone who have made/plan to make, a version of Gandalf's "Glamdring" from Lord of the Rings as a functional, carbon steel sword? …
Thank you.
Don't actually have a question.
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your site.
I found it very informative and interesting.
The videos on backyard …
Sword forge from Argentina.
QUESTION: Hi Paul, first of all, thanks for all the work you took making this site and gathering all this information. I'm from Argentina, and we have …
Comments on site
Hi Paul,
I wanted to tell you I really appreciate having found your site on the net. Not only are the reviews helpful, but the information on buying …
stuck on which to get
QUESTION: First of all i like to say thank you for past advice on questions i had regarding swords. Its been a year since last pruchase , and since the …
what is the strenghts and weakness of the varying swords cutting ability
QUESTION: I've heard that the katana cannot block another sword at the sharp edge but instead has to block with the back of the blade. Is this true? …
It Gets Better???
Hey Paul, It's SlayerofDarkness A G A I N ! ! !
This isn't really a question as much as it is an update...just a few things I've found at ligit sites …
Oh, dear. this could take awhile ;-)!
QUESTION: Hey, Paul. First off this is 'SlayerofDarkness' (the 13-but-now-14-year-old guy who emailed you about the quality of surgical steel. Very useful …
2 parallel lines to the hamon--what are we looking at here?
QUESTION: If my intentions succeed, the included picture should show a hamon, the habuchi of which widens from a thin line from the left, to a thicker …
sword decision
QUESTION: I have three swords I have been researching lately and would like your suggestion.
1st is the Cheness Tenchi - strong sword for cutting …
Kill Bill Hanzo sword
QUESTION: Why is there no true reproduction of the kill bill hanzo Bride sword? None of them include the proper ornaments on each side of the handle …
Hanwei's Practical Ninjato: The Ito-Wrap
QUESTION: Greetings Mr. Southern,
This should be a quite easy question to answer that I bear in my mind.
I saw your excellent review of Hanwei's …
Black Marks on Blade
QUESTION: My grandfather has a British Naval Officer's Ceremonial Sword. This sword is in fairly good quality, except for a few black marks on the blade. …
is this sword any good?
QUESTION: I was looking at this new united cutlery sword and it seems like a good sword to me but I'd like a professional oppinion. This is the link …
Opinion about Dongbei katanas market
This week I met with a store ( that sells antique katanas collected during the 1937 war in …
QUESTION: Hi i am looking for the oniyuri bujinkan katana anywhere in germany and cant seem to find a supplier any where i would rather go to a shop …
Custom Wakizashi?
QUESTION: First of all, thank you so much for offering custom made katanas for an unbeliveble price, and even going as far as offering different blade …
Does make good swords?
QUESTION: I've read your pages about buying real swords and the difference between functional ones from SLO's. handmadeswords swords appear to have …
my saya is way too tight
QUESTION: I bought my first iaito and The saya seems to have tightened up in transport. It appears to be fine at the handle end but seems to be rubbing …
cheness cutleries
QUESTION: Do you know of cheness cutleries making a viking blade out of 9260 silcone spring steel? thanx for all your imput, and the great site.
Semi customized hanwei ninjato
Greetings Paul,
Thank you for the possibility to write some sentences about the popular Hanwei's PC 1071 Ninjato,this time semi-customized by my preferences. …
First Impressions of Katanas
QUESTION: Hi, i was wondering if you could give me your advice on two katanas. Appearance and Quality wise.
The first is by and …
Hardest target 9260 or 1095?
QUESTION: I'm wondering what steel is better for hard targets if 9260 spring steel alloy or 1095 high carbon steel.
ANSWER: Hi Angel,
I would …
Custom Wakizashi
QUESTION: First of all, thank you for making custom order T-10 steel katanas available for an unheard-of $300!
My question is do you have any plans …
300 spartan sword scabbard
QUESTION: where can i find just the scabbard for the 300 spartan sword with a 26 inch blade?
ANSWER: There isn't currently one in production that …
Variable shinogi-height in a single sword: I want your opinions!
QUESTION: A katana with a "low shinogi" has almost parallel faces of shinogi-ji.
A katana with a "high shinogi" has faces of shinogi-ji slanted towards …
Custom Swords!!!
QUESTION: Hey Paul! First of all congrats on having swords with your name on it and im highly considering it!! I just want to know a few details on the …
Odachi Nodachi
Hello, I am looking for an Odachi/Nodachi. I have found a few by spending hours on google. Although I know next to nothing about what makes a sword good. …
overseas shipping
QUESTION: Dear paul, i have been a regular to your site for over a year, yet it continues to surprise me.
The new $300 custom t-10 swords look incredible …
Sword Legality In Maryland, USA
QUESTION: I live in Maryland, USA. I want to start collecting swords. Does anyone know the legality of owning, carrying, etc here?
ANSWER: I have …
What would be recommended for a good blunt blade katana?
QUESTION: I've been Tae-Kwon-Do for 4.5 years now, and have always been fascinated with the weapons aspect of it, mainly the staff and the sword.
CAS Iberia - Valiant Armoury
QUESTION: Hey, I was wondering which of the two of these swords were the better deal, the Valiant Armoury Bastard Sword, or the CAS Iberia Bastard sword. …
The worth of sword canes
QUESTION: Are there any sword canes out there that would be worth buying for use?
ANSWER: Unfortunately, due to legalities within my home country …
ANSWER: in this case. i answer your question. drizzt's sword twinkle is so named because in the books. it can be made to shine at will. in a similar …
Musashi Bushido Line
QUESTION: I was wondering if the whole line of Bushido swords is as good as the Wind Dragon sword. I have been considering getting one of them, but …
What's the Best?
First of all thanks for putting up this great site. Lots of great info.
You have lots of practical hands on experience cutting …
What is the best?
First of all thanks for putting up this great site. Lots of great info.
You have lots of practical hands on experience cutting with many different …
SGC or Tenchi test
QUESTION: On the Cheness Cutlery website the term "battle ready" is used, describing the durability of their strongest swords. SBG struck the edge of …
Kaze vs. Ninjato
QUESTION: The ninjato is sharper but not as durable. It is brittle, but what exactly does that mean? You cant hit as hard of objects as you can with …
Sword Sale in Australia
QUESTION: Hi paul,
Why don't you keep stock of the swords you sell here in australia, that way, fans in australia canbuy direct from u. For example, …
Review of Windlass Sword of Noavara (500850)
QUESTION: Thanks to your site I now have a Gen2 Templar sword on its way.
I'm also finding myself drawn to the Windlass Sword of Noavara, but I've …
false advertising?
1) My original email complaint:
Order ID : 11688588
"So, ......i am disappointed......who am i disappointed with? order of severity, …
s.o.m. nagamaki?
QUESTION: I have 2 questions one is have you heard anything about the (the $200 one)handmade nagamaki katana now I have done lots of …
Is Sword Forum International Dead?
QUESTION: I'm just curious, do people still go/post there? I haven't for years...and I was going to make a new account, but the security checks have …
Sword review of Darksword Armory's "The Guardian"
QUESTION: My question is simply if you will be doing a review on Darksword Armory's "The Guardian." I'm asking this because I've been looking for a …
1095 damascus-steel
QUESTION: Do you know about HCS 1095 damascus-steel? I couldn't find information anywhere.
ANSWER: It's just a relatively hard, high carbon content …
Eastern sword+western martial art=acceptable?
QUESTION: Hello there, Paul.
A while ago,I purchased a functional Katana.I prefer the japanese longsword over the western one because the blade is …
kaze vs. tenchi
QUESTION: I have read both the kaze katana and the tenchi katana reviews and cant tell the difference... The kaze katana has a differentially hardened …
Hanwei Dark Sentinel QUALITY?
QUESTION: Have you ever seen/used/heard anything about the Hanwei Dark Sentinel sword. I have seen it at several places and am considering buying it. …
missed digest
QUESTION: Dear Paul,
First of all I really enjoy your website, it is really good especially for someone so fascinated with swords. Wouldn't want to …
9260 bend resistance
QUESTION: I have a Musashi Bamboo Katana that, I'm embarrassed to admit, I dropped the other day (it just slipped out of my hands). I guess it landed …
QUESTION: In referring to you sister site SMG,you have several sword manufactures listed for review.I would like to know if you could include one other?John …
Korea swords and cutting
I am a 3rd degree black belt in TKD. I started training in 1998. I have had a little practice in the use on the Katana but have …
Ryumon Dragon vs SGC Yamakami 9260
With great reviews it is sometimes hard to compare, would you say the the Ryumon Dragon cuts as well as the SGC Yamakami …
A few questions about the Practical Elite and thinking about buying a new sword
First off, I would like to say amazing job on the website. It's really great to see a site that is both helpful and presented in …
Qi Jian
QUESTION: I am seriously looking at buying this sword, I tried searching the forum but didn't find anything related to the Qi Jian and the search function …
identity crisis
QUESTION: hey Paul, how are you? just read the review for the ryumon dragon and i was so entralled we rushed out into the internet and bought one .............we …
Medieval Long Sword Knight's Sword Chivalry Good or Bad?
QUESTION: I was cruising ebay when I saw it. It was about $40 bucks without shipping and i thought it looked awesome. but of course looks can be decieving. …
Wish to Study Swords
QUESTION: Hi, before asking this I went through all the questions before asking so you don't have to repeat yourself.
I have always been interested …
Gen 2 Roman Gladius, not right?
QUESTION: Paul, I have been reading the information about swords on your site, and realized that I have been buying pieces of crap for the last few years. …
the mystery of the tsuba?
QUESTION: o.k. just a quick question. what is the half moon shaped thing that seems to be so prevalent on numerous tsubas? some one said it was for a …
sword origin
QUESTION: What sword is made with the tip at a 45 degree angle down? What ia the country of origin?
ANSWER: Hi Yamar,
These are a modern design, …
Stainless Steel Blades
QUESTION: I bought a cheap $15 sword out of a magazine. I new I couldn't expect too much from it as it being a stainless steel blade. But magazine said …
Gift Voucher Code
QUESTION: I am interested in buying a Hanwei Ninja-to sword from Kult of Athena , as directed by your site and noted that there is a spot for a voucher …
real damassteel katana
QUESTION: How is it possible to be sure that a katana is made of real damassteel, not fake etched damas? I mean, I want to know how, not how much damas …
how do you know if the sword is real?
QUESTION: I want to buy a light wood shirasaya wakizashi, and i found a good site, but i want to make sure that what i'm buying is real, and not a replica …
QUESTION: I drew up a sword and I was wondering if it is possible to make it, if so then what price am i looking at. Thank you for your time i hope to …
hanzo sword bride rampage autographed version
QUESTION: Are the hanzo swords (bride rampage) even as good as a musashi sword or a hanwai paul chen practical katana are they price quality good and …
original spartan sword
QUESTION: Don't want replicant; or copy; want original; where do I get one; money no object!
ANSWER: Sothebys or other respected auction houses …
retalers, and steel
QUESTION: Hey, I was woundering what your thought of global gear and I mean there personally line of chinese made swords.
Secondly I practice iaido …
Is this a good katana?
Hejsan! (the swedish way to say Hi)
I know that it is hard to just look at a website and say if a katana is "good" or "bad", but you know more …
Review age
QUESTION: I just wanted to know why you can't submit a review until you are 18 years old.
ANSWER: Hi Josh,
Unfortunately it is for legal reasons... …
Not a question, just a comment
Thank you for a wonderful website, wish I had found it sooner. You are providing a wonderful service to us samurai wannabees.
Your thoughts about the Bushido Fuji katana and the site as well.
QUESTION: Hey I'm thinking about buying the Bushido Fuji Katana from the site: its put under the section: functional katana's and …
Cold Steel Shamshir Questions
QUESTION: Hello, I plan on purchasing a Cold Steel Shamshir this summer for my birthday (a gift to myself :D) and I just wanted to clarify a few things. …
Carbon and stainless?
QUESTION: You have said that stainless steel, once longer than a foot, becomes very brittle. I was wondering if it would be possible to make a some what …
Just a Thank You
Hi Paul,
What a great site! It has helped so much. I bought one horrible 'Wallace' sword and then decided I am never going to buy a sword without finding …
Humble requests for listening to me whine and polishing advice (regarding Kaze)
Before i say anything, i make 3 sincere concessions:
1) You are by far the MOST honest salesperson with t' BEST customer service …
Want a Korean sword
QUESTION: I am looking for a Korean sword that is affordable and sharp. Imported from Korea perfered.
ANSWER: Try these guys:
Martial Arts Swords …
black smudges on my windlass
QUESTION: My Windlass Towton sword gets black smudges and finger prints all over it every time I touch it--and I mean BLACK! In fact, the darn thing …
New product from Quebec Canada
QUESTION: Paul have you ever heard of Calimacil? They are a latex foam sword company which I believe sell cream of the crop practice swords. I have heard …
QUESTION: What can you tell me about Masahiro, and the Masahiro katana's? Because there is little information about Masahiro.
I hope you can help …
Secret Agent Sword
QUESTION: If you have seen the sword you might have thought, "Hmm doesn't look to alfully bad, lets check out the price." BOM BOM BOOOOM people begin …
Best Scottish Basket Hilt Sword
QUESTION: Would anyone recommend a particular Scottish Basket Hilt Sword above all others that fit into the $200.00-$400.00 range? I've been looking …
straw tamishigiri
QUESTION: Would u have any idea how to make straw tamishigiri targets? Thanks.
I've never actually done it - though bear in mind …
I need a Scabard
QUESTION: About a year ago I purchased a Generation 2 Pro Ranger Sword. My first real sword, and I am very happy with the sword itself. However, the …
Looking for cheap Khopesh
QUESTION: I read your material about the Khopesh and can't afford the Deepeeka sword. Can you give me info on where I can find the cheap wallhangers....I'm …
is a reputable company?
QUESTION: hi, is a reputable company? they have some awsome stuff but i am scared to get ripped off, and what do you think about …
Wipe blood from sword
QUESTION: Why do soilders wipe the blood from their sword after battle? For example, Peter in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
is that rust???
QUESTION: Well a few days ago i bought a hiryuu katana ($60musashi) so today i go out to cut some leaves of the bushes so my sword get all nasty so i …
SBG Forum Login Problems
QUESTION: Sorry Paul, but this is currently the only way I am able to contact you about an issue with logging in to SBG Forum. At home, I am set to …
Can't decide on what to buy???
QUESTION: I've got a problem,I can't decide what sword to buy,1. Musashi Elite Series Wind Katana from trueswords 2.Paul chan pratical ninja from swordsdirect?? …
A recent purchase
QUESTION: I recently bought a Generation 2 BWT Ninja sword from and had some issues with the blade. I had some preconceived notions …
Question about swords from
QUESTION: Thank you for your time in taking this email and putting on such an awesome website. I have learned much from the time I spent on this there. …
Cheness O Katana vs Cold Steel O Katana
QUESTION: Cold Steel's is bigger, more beefy.
Cheness' is better looking, handles better/lighter.
But how are the edge retention abilities …
sword replacement
QUESTION: Hello, I recently bought a sword on swords of might witch the tsuka broke. I asked a replacement and at first the seller said he would pay …
QUESTION: Well it's sorta a sword question. No doubt you know what a naginata is. Do you know any companies that manufacture Naginata's to the excellency …
Opinions on Hand Made
Have you ever bought anything from or know of the quality of their swords?
They have some nice looking swords and was wondering …
Gift Vouchers/Discount Coupons
QUESTION: Do you have any for the Trueswords website, I'm getting the koga ninja-to. Btw. great site.
ANSWER: Unfortunately not, though their …
KoH sword pommel question
QUESTION: Does anyone know how the pommel on the Sword of Ibelin sword of the KoH line of blades is secured?
Is it a screw on?
Is it peened?
How is …
what is the deal with last legend's new line
QUESTION: I was wondering if you knew anything about the new Pro•Sword Blades from Last Legend Competition Blades? Are they good swords ? Maybe, could …
ninja sword vs. ninja sword
QUESTION: I know you have reviewed the Ninja sword of Hanwei and announced it the best ninja, but I haven't found any reviews of the Generation 2 BWT …
Shinwa Blade Quality
QUESTION: Are Folded (2000?) Damascus Blades by Shinwa worth Buying? I want to be a serious buyer of functional swords. This is a Tool that should never …
Folding the rope on the Scabbard of the Katana
QUESTION: Would somebody please explain to me in a step by step manner how to fold the rope at the top of the Scabard of a Katana.
I have received …
Real Deal on Shinwa Katanas..
QUESTION: Hey I know this question has been asked a lot, but I'm looking for a very clear and upright answer. Are you basically saying that Shinwa swords …
Your contact info
QUESTION: Hi Paul. How can I contact you (to compliment your great website). I can't find an email address anywhere on this website. I assume that's …
what kind of sword is this???/
QUESTION: i would very much like to know what kind of sword this is? even if it is cheap if it wasnt what would it be? and what is the emblem on the …
Would like to buy
We came across your website and was wondering if you would be interested in selling it. If so, can you send …
how do i sharpen my sword?
QUESTION: What is the best way to sharpen my swords?
ANSWER: Hi Will,
There are a few techniques I discuss on SBG here that should set you …
Flared longsword
QUESTION: I have been considering buying the flared longsword from Windlass steelcrafts. I am wondering what you know about this particular sword. If …
Are the swords that are displayed in the budk catalog reliable
QUESTION: I found some good looking katanas in the website budk but i dont know wether to buy them or not if your answer is not to trust them do you …
more of an interest rather then question
QUESTION: I'm Ben im a fellow aussie i live in wollongong NSW, and i have recently takin up studying bushido and entering the way of the sword, i practice …
What's the thickness of Cold Steel Shamshir?
QUESTION: In the review of the Cold Steel Shamshir , you stated that it was 1/4 inch thick at the spine, whereas the appropriate thickness on the Cold …
united cutlery any good?
QUESTION: I saw a united cutlery h.c. spring steel...genuine rayskin...blahblahblah...for $83.99. might it be worth it or a rip off. i can't afford to …
Sword thickness, what's it do?
QUESTION: I've been pondering what the optimal thickness of a katana should be. All things being equal (blade geometry, sharpness/polishing, weight, …
love the extensive testing especailly on the budget katanas
QUESTION: I know this is a weird request but you have tested alot of masahiro katans there's a few I am waiting to see pop up like the masahiro last …
Coupon Code for SBG
QUESTION: I am purchasing the following from you and came to the check out and thought it would be really great if I did have a coupon code to add to …
where can I get the $29 Khopesh sword
QUESTION: Where can I get the $29 Khopesh sword THANKS!
ANSWER: I've probably kept this little secret from people long enough. There are quite a …
Iron for a sword?
QUESTION: Okay, so I am in the process of constructing a sword for a show that I am going to be in next year, the swords requirements are such that the …
crack in sword
QUESTION: I have the sword of tristan sword (purchased from made by windlass steelcrafts. Anywho, after a little wear, it …
How to tell the production date of your Paul Chen PPK
QUESTION: I just purchased the Paul Chen PPK (practical Plus Katana), and I am wondering how to tell whether its a first or second generation blade. …
In tassie need cutting mats
QUESTION: Love you site, great too see someone in Aus doing something so good. My question is, Im after cutting mats, but cant seem to find them anywhere, …
sword carrying in public
QUESTION: Is it possible that I can by law carry a sword around in public for protection means? If so what about concealed swords? (such as cane swords) …
what do you think? read the questions before you scold.
QUESTION: Well now, the reason we said before you scold was because we are not sure this is the correct place to ask our questions and if we are inappropriate …
quality of shinwa swords
QUESTION: I recently have been looking for a good japanese katana, and have found several that look to be good quality, made from a company called shinwa. …
bizarre name brand assembly procedure
hi, my friend ....listen to this!
Ryumon Dragon Folded Tanto Features:
Hand forged HCS 1065 high carbon steel blade
Hand sharpened and differentially …
Double edge katana
QUESTION: I buy the Kaze katana and i'm very happy to this katana i love to train myself with it, but i search a double edge katana at good price (aproximetaly …
Buying Katana
QUESTION: Hi Paul. Thank you for reposting your answer, It sucks that they won't come back with anything that is related to the lamination of the katana, …
plain blade with unique guard
QUESTION: I collect a number of swords. They aren't replicas but I have come across a very odd sword. It has no markings and if it did they seem to have …
higo katana
QUESTION: Hey paul. I know that cheness's katana's are well known and I was wondering, is there ever going to be a comeback of the Higo katana? I've …
chinese sword flexability
QUESTION: Although the durability of the cold steel Gim seems to approach that of a Katana (which I understand to be the strongest/hardest/sharpest in …
gen2 ranger sword
QUESTION: I used the SBG discount at Arms of Valor and got the G2Ranger sword.I have 2 questions. How do I get this goop off the blade? Have the tempering …
oniyuri katana & customize a hanwei pc-1071
QUESTION: Greetings Paul,
Let me congratulate you for your great website,I saw many very useful advices and demos on it. I've contacted you in July …
quality and sharpness of kris cutlery 29 26 katanas
QUESTION: I was wondering if anyone knows of the quality of the Kris cutlery 26II and 29II katanas? sharpness? And is softness a problem?
Also... …
how wavy can a spine be?
QUESTION: Hello Paul & friends, we bought the Teigoku katana & the Teikoku wakazashi set from swords of might (sold seperately, not as a set per say)......they …
how to buy a sword?
QUESTION: I like sword very much, and i wanna have one, (at least) especially the ninja-to, but I can't find any sites that serve a shipment to my country, …
your review of the Tsukikage katana......
Not so much a question but thanks for the review of the Tsukikage (rabbits under moon) katana....
Two years ago I emailed you about(for lack of a …
Hanwei Oni Katana
QUESTION: Hey Paul. Again, I want to say thank you for answering my previous questions from before. Keep up the good work on helping everyone out. My …
Gen.2 Medieval sword durability
QUESTION: Paul. I have a question? Based on your test to destruction review of the Gen.2 maximillian medieval sword I purchased one from Arms of Valor. …
My 1st sword/problem!?
QUESTION: Last week I received my 1st sword.It is the Windlass Steelcraft Raven Sword. My reasonining behind choosing this sword was to have a beater …
Bugei katana, which katana model is the best?
QUESTION: Hey there Paul, I've been trying to find a decent review on Bugei katanas and have found some that were okay but I want more of a in-depth …
o- katana and sgc katana
QUESTION: Dear SBG I am thinking about ether buying an 0-katana or a SGC katana is there any difference in durability between these two swords?
Thank …
Tomahawk Katanas
QUESTION: Has anyone heard of the Tomahawk Trading Company? I've noticed a lot of their products on and their costs rival those of musashi …
Care and sharpening
QUESTION: When I try to access the "care and sharpening" page, I get a "blank" screen (it looks like the other pages but there's no words on it). Is …
Kashira on Tenchi
Hi Paul, I've ordered my tenchi a while back and I noticed everything was perfect except for the kashira (buttcap) of the handle. I was examining it …
best sword for the buck
QUESTION: A couple of months ago I purchased a tenchi and kaze katana and I got to say, these two katana's were really worth the money. I want to know …
Tenchi Katana
QUESTION: First off, let me say that you have been the best of the best at answering all kinds of questions that relate to swords. I don't think there …
Steel Vs Steel 2
QUESTION: So are you saying in your previous answer that the Katana was not a battlefield weapon for the japanese samurai?
Now I realize sexy tho …
T10 compared with 1095
QUESTION: I have just purchased a katana made of T10 steel, that has been clay tempered to a hardness of 58 - 60 HRC. I purchased this from a guy in …
Steel Vs Steel?
QUESTION: How would a traditional Katana stand up to plate or chain maile? I have seen demonstrations of traditional English broadswords and even roman …
Resheathing katana
QUESTION: Every time I am done cleaning my katana, I put it back into my saya, sometimes slamming it in and sometimes putting it carefully. By slamming …
Sword shop in L.A.
QUESTION: My name is Panagis and I live in greece in athens and its really hard to find a sword here. however, a friend of mine went in the US for Christmas …
Cheap ( real cheap as you mentioned) Kopesh swords
QUESTION: I was browsing your site and saw the comment you made about how there are some extremely cheap versions of the Kopesh floating arround and …
Where can I get a decent CHISA KATANA in the $100 Range?
QUESTION: Are CHISA KATANAS really so non popular that they havent trickled down to the within $100 High carbon steel full tang universally tempered …
Are there sword shops in Minneapolis, MN?
QUESTION: I would like to buy a sword that I can see and hold first. Are there any sword shops in the Minneapolis area?
ANSWER: Hi Steve,
Unfortunately, …
Functionality of these swords.
QUESTION: I've watched the tests you have put these swords up to and some of them fair quite impressive, but I still have a few questions about them. …
QUESTION: I got my new sgc not long ago! I was wondering what it can cut and what I should cut as targets. I was thinking thick bamboo for getting used …
8th century bc phoenician... Khopesh do you suppose?
QUESTION: My novel is set in 8th century BC Malta. The phoenicians have trade colonies, there is piracy about and the greeks are beginning to settle …
masamune replica: any good?
QUESTION: Hi, I know replica swords generally aren't made to high quality standards and was wondering if this sword would be the same. Also, if you know …
Final Fantasy blades??
QUESTION: I would like to collect swords such as the ones used in Final Fantasy games. However, I would like to know if anyone knows a good source for …
most durable katana $1000-$1500
QUESTION: I am looking to spend about 1200 on an as genuine as that will buy katana. I want to get the most durable non chipping steel possible for that …
AISI 5610 or AISI 5160?
QUESTION: First off I want to thank you for this SUPERB site! I believe it will help me MUCH in my future endevours of collecting swords.
Now to the …
Which Cheness Sword?
Hi, as a beginner in Kata practising I want to buy my first sword. I really like Cheness and wonder which sword will be the best to start kata practising …
which is stronger, katana or armingsword?
QUESTION: I dont know which sword is truly stronger and durable, katana or armingsword?
ANSWER: That's a bit of a hot topic Vergil! But my own impressions …
Newbie - Musashi or KC???
QUESTION: I see good remarks on several of the Musashi swords and just saw a Kris Cutlery 25II on sale.
I have budget of around $130-150 so the …
Just a Comment
I wanted to thank you for putting out a no nonsense guide to swords. I have been asked many questions about the best none expensive cutters and practice …
your opinions please
to any interested party........what are your opinions of this sword (with reference to what we like to do here)........i believe it to be from dynasty …
Making my final choice!
QUESTION: I am about to buy my new katana! Between the SGC and the Tenchi - which would you recomend as if you were in my situation buying a new katana. …
sword sharpness
QUESTION: When you are a sword collector, does the said sword have to be sharp. Because in my opinion, if it is not sharp, then you are collecting something …
Other Authentic Sites and a cheer to your site.
QUESTION: All I wonder is if you know of any good site that sells authentic old stuff? And if I may say so I think your site is awesome and I would like …
Kris Cutlery: Mono or Folded
QUESTION: I've been through your site many times and have asked you about a certain edge geometry a while back. Anyway to "cut to the chase" as it were, …
my sword purchase
QUESTION: i ordered a sword from you on oct. 28 2007
i have not recived confermation or the sword.
the purchase has shown up on myvisa bill through …
forum: unable to log in
Dear Paul,
Like the new look of your site. I have a problem with the forum login, I couldn't login. I've requested for the password retrieval but still …
have you heard of defender
I have read your article but have to dissagree I have purchased a hand forged battle ready samurai sword for 50 british pounds it has a tempered and folded …
dude in the UAE
QUESTION: Cheness, is it a good company?
I will buy a new sword I am thinking of Tenchi Ko Katana - Hand Forged, Heat Tempered Carbon Steel Iaito …
what do you think of this sword
QUESTION: I recently aquired a sword from a friend after graduation as a gift now that I've left town I don't know where she bought it or how much it …
I am based in Sydney and looking to buy 1-2 of the bujinkan oniyuri - blunted blade at this stage and live a little further down the …
Blade strength: Kaze v. Hanwei Ninjato
QUESTION: In both of your articles you mention that both the Kaze and the Hanwei Ninjato are differentially hardened. Between the two swords which has …
I forgot to tell you when i asked my last question,but, your site rocks!!! 95% of the time i am on my computer I am on this site!! keep up the awsum work!!!!!!!! …
South Africa
QUESTION: I am looking for a place to buy replica swords in South Africa.
I am looking for Anime inspired swords in particular as well as the Kensei …
Spartan Sword replica advice.
QUESTION: I like the info on your site regarding the spartan sword and where to go to get a decent replica. Since I'm a complete novice, I'd like your …
Your personal opinion of the 300 Sword
QUESTION: My friends and I at Plasma Productions - an amature, non-profit filmmaking company deticated to making low budget films) is in the pre-production …
ninja swords again
QUESTION: If I wanted to get a ninja sword which site should I go on because I would like to get the hanwei ninjato - what site do you recommend that …
what ninja swords to get?
QUESTION: I was thinking of buying the hanwei ninja to and the gen2 bwt ninja to, and my question is what is your opinion on these two swords.
What is Blade Geometry?
QUESTION: All this talk about blade geometry and I have no idea what it really means. What is the blade geometry?
ANSWER: That is no quick question …
Upcoming Review on Chinese Swords
QUESTION: So, this has been a long time coming. I've been sitting on the sidelines poring over everyone's reviews and analyzing every word on your site …
Oniyuri bo-hi
QUESTION: I'm thinking about buying a Cheness Oniyuri, but am wondering if I should buy it with or without the bo-hi. I hear that the bo-hi would stiffen …
Chain Mail Cutters
QUESTION: First off, I love your site. You give a lot of background info on a ton of swords I've pondered over at one time or another, and have really …
Contacting Paul...
QUESTION: How do you actually get in touch with Paul, the owner of this site, without posting publicly?
ANSWER: There is a link to this page with …
Cutting Bamboo
QUESTION: I have some bamboo near my house the main bunch of them is just off a little creek. It gets pretty dark green and hard..
I see bamboo cutting …
Favorite sword
QUESTION: Guess the title says it all. I was wondering what your favorite sub $300 sword was. Are you a katana fan, or do you prefer a medieval sword? …
Game swords
QUESTION: You put a lot of care and detail into your analysis of Movie and TV swords, I was just wondering if you were planning to do the same of Video …
Axes Swords and Spears
QUESTION: I'm looking for a good place to buy axes, armor (plus sheilds) swords, and spears. Does gen2 supply all of that? And also does Paul Chen supply …
Could I use one of your pictures?
I am teaching a class and would like to use your picture of the european sword on the cover of the student's notebook for my 20 students. …
Test request
QUESTION: I was wondering if you had, or will make a review of the Edward III sword by Hanwei. I've heard quite a bit about this sword on the forum, …
Sword gauntlets
QUESTION: I'm interested in finding some Indian sword gauntlets, A weapon used to devastating effect by the Mughals back in the day. I look around the …
Your review Hanwei’s Practical Ninjato and Cheness' Custom Bujinkan Katana
QUESTION: I have a quick question: Why the difference between the types of tests between the above two weapons? That is, why did you use, largely, very …
Review Format
QUESTION: Where do I go for review format?
ANSWER: Ah, the page link about submitting reviews is here - it will be more prominently linked to …
index page?
QUESTION: Can you add a page where you show all reviews on one page? Right now all review-links are spread trough the entire site.
Patrick …
Practice sword
QUESTION: I was told that I could purchase a practice sword that did not have a sharpened blade, did have a blood slit that allowed the sword to make …
specific types of swords
QUESTION: I am only new to swords, so I don't know much about them. I saw some swords in a medieval store and decided I would like 2 to hang on my wall. …
parts availability for cheaper naginatas
QUESTION: Does anyone know where we might pick up scabbards for a tom anderson master cutlery TA-76 (modern naginata) & a master cutlery JL-069 (naginata …
Sword preference
QUESTION: I was just wondering, what type of sword was your favorite? I'm currently interested in the Cold Steel Gim, and the Gen2 Black Prince, and …
Sword Recommendation
QUESTION: I recently wrote to you concerning information on medieval euro shields, and the information you gave shed some great light on all my questions. …
laws of buying a sword
QUESTION: : Ok I want to buy a sword at a mall in Oregon and the only problem is I'm under 18. Do i need a concealed weapons permit to carry it to my …
real ninja sword
QUESTION: I love your review of the Cheness blade for the Bujikan. I am seriously considering buying based on the reviews and research I've done. …
Which Chinese Jian to get?
QUESTION: I have to tell you first that your site is awesome! You really got me looking at the "Cold Steel Gim" but I also like the Paul Chen "Qi Jian". …
A Mystery Dagger
QUESTION: I bought this dagger somewhere in the vicinity of 2000-2001 when I was still in high school, more or less on a whim (I am not a collector in …
What did these swords come from?
QUESTION: A friend gave these sword to me. They measure in length in the sheath, "40 inches and 37 inches". They are carved from Teak Wood. The guard …
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