Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
QUESTION: I'm looking for a good place to buy axes, armor (plus sheilds) swords, and spears. Does gen2 supply all of that? And also does Paul Chen supply that stuff too? And would all this be under $5,000?
ANSWER: Absolutely! Both Gen2 and Hanwei/Paul Chen make a large variety of different medieval weapons. Gen2 makes some nice Axes. Windlass make a lot of spears and shields as well as medieval armour. And Hanwei make pretty much everything too. For 5 grand you could really build quite an impressive medieval armoury!! ;-)
As to where to buy them, I've listed all the best and safest sellers in the Sword Buyers Directory. Have a look, there are tons of great Axes, swords and more there.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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