Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
There is a lot of sword information and useful article links sprinkled throughout the various pages on Sword Buyers Guide, but they are not always easy to find and many, easy to miss.
With this index, we gather all the various useful sub-articles into one place so you can ensure you don't miss any critical tidbits that may otherwise be buried away and tricky to find.
Types of Swords - Sword information regarding the main broad categories of which swords can be divided into as well as links to further information.
Basic Sword Terminology - Non specific sword terminology for newbies, including what is meant by "Center of Percussion", "Blade Geometry" and European Sword Terminology.
Japanese Sword Terminology - An easy to remember, slightly tongue in cheek guide to Japanese sword terminology and pronunciation for absolute beginners.
A good battle ready sword - the basics - Expansion of the three basic characteristics that all good "battle ready" swords share.
Authentic Swords: Two additional Requirements - Two additional important characteristics that separate the good battle ready swords from the truly exceptional pieces.
Are Swords Weapons? - In the age of the gun, can we still call functional swords 'weapons'. A deep dive into the legality of swords and why calling modern replicas 'weapons' isn't really accurate anymore..
Discount Coupon Codes - A collection of coupon codes you can use to save when buying swords online.
Sword Buying Horror Stories - Warnings from site visitors of bad sellers and sword buying experiences. Can submit your own experiences too.
Buying Swords outside of the USA - A "secret" method of buying swords that you otherwise cannot access if you are not fortunate enough to be located in the USA.
Cheap Swords Under $50 - Yes, there are some functional swords out there for under $50 that aren't just total junk. Check out this guide for the collector on a serious budget.
Christmas Sword Buying Guide - Essential reading for anyone buying swords at Christmas time, whether for themselves or as a gift.
How to Make a Scabbard the Easy Way - the easiest way to make an attractive and functional wood core leather covered scabbard.
How to do a Sword Handle Wrap - the most popular and effective way to make a leather covered handle wrap for a medieval sword.
No Choji Oil? No problems! - Cheap alternatives to traditional Choji (clove) oil.
Make Your Own Sword Cleaning Kit - There is a lot of conflicting information about what you need to maintain a functional Japanese sword. But no need to buy a cleaning kit, here is how to make your own.
How to fix a loose tsuba - An easy way to fix a loose or rattling tsuba (hand guard) on a Katana.
Fixing a loose peened pommel - Peening is a superior and historically accurate way to permanently affix a medieval sword to the hilt. The downside, if it DOES become loose it can be impossible to re-tighten - at least it is without this information.
Wrapping Your own Tsukamaki - A step by step guide on how to wrap a Japanese swords handle.
How to do "Battlewrap" Tsukamaki - Step by step instructions on how to do an alternative style handle wrap on a Katana.
Electro Chemical Sword Engraving - The "Poor mans" method of engraving a sword or knife with stencils, a 9v battery and some alligator clips.
Free Sword Care Ebook - A free treasure trove of information on sword storage, cleaning, polishing and more. 11 pages.
Your Sword Care Questions Answered - Submit your questions and get expert sword information and tailored answers for free.
Cheap Samurai Swords - A comprehensive guide to navigating the minefield of cheap, sub $100 Japanese sword replicas.
Real Katana Prices - How much does a real katana cost and how to tell the difference between a real one and a fake..
Cheap Samurai Sword Sets - A guide on what to avoid when buying cheap Daisho Samurai Sword Sets.
Authentic Japanese Sword Replicas - A buyers guide tailored to enthusiasts who want the most traditional, yet affordable Katana.
High End Katana - What separates a $300 Katana from a $1000 blade and a $1000 blade from a $10,000 sword? What do you REALLY get for the extra money?
Japanese Beater Swords - A guide to buying the toughest, meanest "beater" Katana for the dojo or the backyard on a budget.
History of the Katana - A brief, easy to read history of the development of the Japanese Samurai sword.
Samurai Sword Construction - The three main techniques traditionally used making Katana, and why only ONE of them actually really makes a difference with swords made from modern steel..
Japanese Sword Sites - Links to other quality websites about Katana, from information to sites selling antique Nihonto..
Cutting Targets With Japanese Swords - quick overview of the types of targets and techniques suitable for the Katana.
Samurai Sword Techniques - Comprehensive Samurai Sword information on the etiquette, basic techniques and more of how to use and train with a Katana.
Tameshigiri - The Art of Test Cutting with a Japanese Sword explained.
Questions on Japanese Swords? - If you have questions on Japanese swords and or what sword best suits your need and budget, ask them here!
Damascus Sucks - Why buying so called "Damascus" swords is often a big mistake..
Japanese Swords for Sale on eBay - Common shady business practices by China based sellers exposed.
Samurai Swords on eBay: Wolves in Cheap Clothing - a follow up expose on the practices of well known eBay sellers. Buyer beware indeed..
So you wanna buy an Authentic Katana? - a quick and easy guide to understanding the difference between traditional blades and monotempered 'beater' swords.
Roman Swords - A brief rundown of the most historically accurate and/or functional replica Gladii.
Cheap European Sword Replicas - What to expect and the best of the best available swords for under $200.
Arming Swords and Longswords - An overview of the two primary sidearms of the medieval knight and guide to the best, fully functional replicas.
Two Handed Swords - Rundown on the biggest, meanest battle ready replicas of two handed greatswords.
A Visit to Museum Replicas - A Behind the scenes virtual tour to the Atlanta based headquarters of Museum Replicas Limited.
Oakeshott Typology Made Easy - A beginners guide to the complex and detailed sword classification system created by the late great sword scholar, Ewart Oakeshott.
Antique Medieval Swords - Pictures of antiques, plus information on where they are typically found and how much they might cost if you are considering your own private collection...
Questions on European Swords? Can't find Sword Information on European swords? Not a problem, ask your questions and get expert answers here.
Interview with Henry Thomas - Interview with Hollywood Actor, Henry Thomas, who also happens to be an avid sword collector and Historical European Martial Arts instructor in Los Angeles.
Interview with Epic Armoury -interview with what many consider to be THE premier supplier of Live Action Role Play (LARP) swords, armor and accessories.
Interview with Paul Chen from Cheness Cutlery - An interview with owner of Cheness Cutlery, Paul Chen, about how he got started, company philosophy and much more.
Interview with Clyde Hollis - An interview with the former owner of Generation 2, now legacy arms, one of the founding fathers of the modern functional collecting sword movement. A follow up interview is found here.
Interview with Philip Isherwood from Saberforge - A must for fans of Star Wars, our interview with the founder and owner of - a company producing lightsaber replicas suitable for hard action sparring.
Interview with Chris and Colin from Samureye - A behind the scenes look at an innovative company making top quality hardwood bokken for serious martial artists.
Interview with Shon from Kyberlight - Another Star Wars themed light saber making company interview.
Interview with the Glass Canon Podcast - Not strictly sword related, but rather pen and pencil roleplaying, with an emphasis on - of course - swords.
Interview with Armstreet - Interview with one of the owners of Armstreet, one of the premier suppliers of armor, costumes and accessories for LARP, SCA, Ren Faires and more
Interview with Swords of the East - Interview with the owner of Swords of the East, a sword company specializing in functional Asian swords.
Interview with Sword N Armory - Interview with the owners of one of the most professional sword companies around, Sword N Armory.
Interview with Swords of Might - Interview with the new owner of Swords of Might since late 2016, Hunter Follett.
Interview with Chris Howard from - Interview with Canadas premium sword seller,
Interview with Hank Reinhardt - Hank Reinhardts final interview shortly before his untimely death. A true legend of the sword community - R.I.P. Hank.
Behind the Scenes at BCI - Our visit to the forge at Blade Culture International in Pangasinan, the Philippines.
Behind the Scenes of the A.P.O.C. Tactical Series - Interview and behind the scenes peak at the Angus Trim designed A.P.O.C. Tactical series launch.
Citadel Knives and Swords, a Visit to the Forge - Our visit to the forge at Citadel Knives and Swords in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Antique Samurai Swords: A Personal Journey - behind the scenes visit to a traditional Japanese sword forge, museum and direct experience handling and preparing for sale antique Japanese Nihonto Swords
Free to download and share eBooks (free to distribute, just don't change anything - as Red Michael said, "we will find you"..)
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