by Marshall
(Concordia, Kansas USA)
First of all thanks for putting up this great site. Lots of great info.
You have lots of practical hands on experience cutting with many different styles of swords from many different eras and cultures. This experience qualifies you as an expert of sorts.
I'm just curious what your comments are in general about how all these different types of swords compare/contrast as weapons. Does anyone type of sword stand out to you as a better weapon? More lethal? Are some of them better at some things? What is the best combat sword of all time, in your opinion? Are the more modern swords better weapons, more deadly? Or are some of the old designs just as good? How do western medival swords compare to the eastern ones? Which is better?
ANSWER: Hi Marshall,
Thanks for your kind words, but I would hardly call myself an expert.. ;-) I have seen, handled and cut with quite a few swords - but I still personally consider myself to be nothing more than an experienced beginner as it were...
Anyway, just based on my own personal experiences, I honestly can't decide on my favorite sword or what I would call the 'best all rounder'.
Some swords that have stood out to me over the years is the Hanwei Ninjato, the Katana, some single handed medieval swords and hand and a halfers - but one of my favorite blades is actually a Filipino Bolo - and then there are the Chinese Dao and Jian...! Argh..!
So there is no way I could say definitely 'X sword is the best of them all'.
At the end of the day, they are all better at some things and worse at others. I must admit that I do have a special affinity with the Japanese Katana, but it is not the ultimate sword. There really is no such thing...
Of course if there was a lightsaber, that might turn the tables on them all! Or, perhaps more feasible, a sword actually made of impact resistant glass... As glass can be so much sharper than steel, if you could take away its brittle quality - you'd have one of the most frighteningly effective cutters known to man.
But I digress... ;-)
Sorry I couldn't be of more specific help. But the further along you get into your study of swords, the more you realize that there are no cut and dried absolutes...
Best regards, and never stop learning!
- Paul
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