It Gets Better???

by Brogdon M. Combs
(Tallahassee, Florida, USA)

Hey Paul, It's SlayerofDarkness A G A I N ! ! !
This isn't really a question as much as it is an update...just a few things I've found at ligit sites that are listed as discontinued...

1. The musashi wind dragon katana is NOT discontinued! it is avaliable at for $79.99.

2. I found that metal glo is $1 cheaper at than it is listed at

3.The Hanwei Dark Sentinel sword is only $110 at, and, while they are not a recommended site, you can still use this price in conjunction with KoA's price match to save 10 bucks.:-)

4.KultofAthena now carries Tatami mats, so I'm just mentioning it in case it is cheaper for you, personally, to buy from them as I know it is expensive to have other suppliers ship to Australia.

Also, I found the Windlass Towton being sold at a good site(!!!);however, I can't seem to locate it again... :-( I'll contact you if I happen upon it again. Sorry about that -looks sheepish- (~_~) Thanks a bunch!
Hope I've been of some practical use to Y O U, for a change lol :-}
-SlayerofDarkness (Brogdon Combs)

PAUL'S COMMENT: Thanks Mate! :-)

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