by Matt
(North Carolina)
QUESTION: I've been through your site many times and have asked you about a certain edge geometry a while back. Anyway to "cut to the chase" as it were, I have been looking through the kriscutlery bare-blades and have found that folded and monosteel blades are very similar in price. I would like to know from your experience if any with this company and general knoledge of the folded v. mono debate which swords would be the better overall?
ANSWER: My experience with Kris Cutlery is limited, and I have heard stories from both ends of the spectrum, with many commenting that their blades are very tough and well made, to others saying that they are a little on the soft side.
Personally though, it all depends what you want the sword for. Monosteel cutters are generally more reliable and predictable, especially at this price point. As a display sword, the folded ones are much prettier, but there are NO folded swords in this price range that are better cutters than a monosteel (and indeed, even in the higher price ranges, folding - which was a process to minimize impurities in the steel - is something of an unecessary process due to the quality of modern steel.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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