Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Stephen
(Fullerton, CA, USA)
I want two swords exactly the same for me and friends to begin practicing in HEMA type style of fighting. However my budget is 150$ and below, so I don't expect to be able to buy any real steel blunted practice beaters.
I know the synthetics are what seems to be all the rage, but some reviews say they are just not cut out to be realistic enough?
I have been wanting wooden swords as my own preference (BUT I am willing to listen to ALL advice on wooden/synthetic/steel beaters) just because I have played with them at a couple renaissance fairs before and that was really fun.
I have been staring at the longsword page of purpleheart armoury wooden wasters. They have great reviews on the site itself, but i just want to know what would be the best fi , my budget for the two swords together is 150$, and I want something that will be the funnest safest experience considering we don't have much protective gear beside wearing a couple extra layers of clothes/jackets. What do you recommend? wooden? synthetic? Thank you for answering when you can I'll be watching this like a hawk for when the answer comes, haha. Appreciate it..
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