Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Rich Knack
(Cheboygan, MI)
QUESTION: When I try to access the "care and sharpening" page, I get a "blank" screen (it looks like the other pages but there's no words on it). Is something wrong with my browser? Meanwhile, I'd like to know how to go about sharpening my G.G.Godwin's naval cutlass when i get it, as (especially being from India), it's likely to have little, if any, sharpness to it. Care is easy ( I think) - just keep a light film of oil on it to prevent rust, maybe even a coat of "museum wax". Or am I totally off base?
ANSWER: That is strange about the blank page, there is definitely stuff there - maybe it is not loading properly due to the content 2.0 stuff - not sure.
Anyway, for sharpening a relatively thin blade like the one you mention, the easiest way is to use an accusharp. Only costs about $11 and works like a charm (it's not perfect, but it will do the job as a shortcut. The other methods take quite a bit of time and experience to get them just right).
As to oiling - yes, a light coat of oil (such as 3 in 1 or Singer Machine Oil) is perfect. Museum wax even better, especially for a long term solution.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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