by Myles B
Hello, I am looking for an Odachi/Nodachi. I have found a few by spending hours on google. Although I know next to nothing about what makes a sword good. So I'm just wondering if you have any words of wisdom for me. I will be using it for choppong and hacking and such. I do have one in mind that I saw but I don't know if it would break or not ect. this is the one I was looking into.
Rittersteel Odachi
if that is a complete waste of money or will break or something please give me a heads up before i order it.
Thank you.
ANSWER: Hi Myles,
Yeah, I'm not very convinced by Rittersteel swords - and the state of the market for Nodachi and Odachi is a bit bleak at the moment..
However, that is all about to change - Valiant Armoury have been working hard on making a decent budget one and Hanwei have recently unveiled one that is not in the budget price range (actually closer to US$1,000) but is definitely the best one to date..!
So things are looking up - and I personally wouldn't bother with the Rittersteel...
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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