by sebastian blank
(findlay OH)
QUESTION: Well a few days ago i bought a hiryuu katana ($60musashi) so today i go out to cut some leaves of the bushes so my sword get all nasty so i tried to clean it with WD-40 and i didn't work so i use ''The Works'' (tha't's the name of the spray) because it say ''cleans rust'' I didnt have any at that point but when i sprayed in the blade it dried pretty quickly then when i tried to clean the waste that this spray leave it dindt como out and now my blade have marks of the dried spray and they are turning kind of brown
is that rust? how can i get rid of those marks?
thank you so much forgive my english
ANSWER: Hi Sebastian,
There are several ways to remove rust from your swords. Two that I personally use include a product called 'CLR' which is pretty strong stuff, and you need to use it and wash it off quickly.
Otherwise, for smaller stains - and to keep control of the results some metal glo and a cloth (or 3M scotch brite pad for stubborn stains, lol - sounds like an ad!) works wonders.
You can also find some more tricks and tips on the main site in the Sword Care Section
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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