Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Xian
QUESTION: Hey Paul! First of all congrats on having swords with your name on it and im highly considering it!! I just want to know a few details on the swords as i bet pictures alone cant do them justice. I have asked questions before about the hamon, its really important to me that the hamon is unique and at least doesn't look cosmetic, is yours/sbg's tempered, or wired or acid?
And how does it look, it would be nice if i can choose the pattern but i know thats asking too much. I do want your opinion on the hamon and if its a traditional look. I was considering buying the Kaze katana from cheness for its differentially hardened and tempered hamon, but how does yours compare?
Also about the textured saya, is it still wood with a painted laminate? Cause i have seen others with the marble look but its usually a matte finish and i hate plastic on katanas. I know that you would like your swords better but blades beauty wise, how would u compare your swords hamon with the cheness kaze? (I'm actually thinking of getting them both but of course on a separate time, so im pretty much thinking of what to get first). I really believe that a sword should look as good to display as it is to just play around with.
ANSWER: Thanks Xian, the ,a href="">SBG Custom Made Swords are one of the most enjoyable projects SBG has ever been involved with.
Anyway, to answer your questions - the hamon is real and unetched, just polished to bring out the detail. So it is definitely the real deal.
I may be bringing in an 'elite' version with the same blade, but higher quality fittings and more choices such as style of hamon, sori (curvature) and additional custom options.
The textured saya doesn't use any plastic that I am aware of and looks great. Definitely holds its finish better than the glossy ones that attract scratches and finger prints.
As to comparing the custom and the Kaze, both are great swords. The Kaze has a straight sugata hamon, while the SBG custom has a gunome style. So it really depends on personal preference.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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