Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
QUESTION: How do you actually get in touch with Paul, the owner of this site, without posting publicly?
ANSWER: There is a link to this page with a contact form at the bottom of the 'sword questions page' which I reserve for private correspondence. I can also be contacted by customers of the SBG Sword Store with a direct contact form (and of course, customers also get my email address as part of the ordering process).
The only reason I have done it this way is because I used to spend 3-4 hours of every day answering questions, and decided that I might as well make the questions and the answers public to build a FAQ so I could concentrate more on building the site than answering questions. ;-)
I use forms of course because if you post your email address on the web, you'll get spammed to death.
- Paul
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