Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
QUESTION: Hi paul,
Why don't you keep stock of the swords you sell here in australia, that way, fans in australia canbuy direct from u. For example, we cannot get the cheness o kanatna here.
I do sometimes get the swords in on request, but there are two main reasons why I don't stock them.
The first is space - our house is crowded enough with swords for the reviews, and there isn't really anywhere to keep stock.
And the second is that with GST, import duties, random customs inspections (and ridiculous charges), freight costs and more - I would have to sell them for double the normal price just to avoid making a loss... (the government seriously doesn't understand the mechanics of international business, that is for sure. If you can, it's a LOT cheaper to import yourself than to buy local - PERIOD!).
So yes, I do bring some in from time to time - but only on request.
- Paul
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