Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Tyson
QUESTION: When you are a sword collector, does the said sword have to be sharp. Because in my opinion, if it is not sharp, then you are collecting something else other than a sword, because, a sword is sharp, and if it's not, then it is just a hunk of slabed metal.
ANSWER: Interesting question, and the answer is - it depends on what you want it for.
Obviously a sword that is only going to be used for display doesn't need to be sharp. And a sword that will be used for re-enactemnt or steel on steel sparring cannot be sharp for safety reasons.
On the other side of the coin, some swords that are sharp are not suitable for cutting because everything else about them is wrong (i.e. wrong steel, no tempering, bad tang, etc).
Historically, not all swords were sharp either. Many sabers were sharpened only so far, and yet could still deal a fatal blow or sever a limb. A sword can also be TOO sharp, in that it will chip when it strikes a hard surface, or wear away too quickly after a few cuts.
So as you can see, the question is a rather complicated one! ;-)
- Paul
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