Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Peter
QUESTION: First off, let me say that you have been the best of the best at answering all kinds of questions that relate to swords. I don't think there is anyone else like you out there in this world, which comes to mind, why can't more experts be like you?? Anyway I bet you heard this a million times, just wanted to say that for starters. Got to hear it from everyone, not just the ones you already heard from.
But anyway, I have purchased the Tenchi katana almost 7 months ago and I am still amazed at how I still have a reliable and functional katana. I usually had unreliable low end katanas from hanwei and it did not suit me at all. I just have some questions on the tenchi (Yeah, after 7 months, still have questions ,embarrasing huh?) I have always left the katana in the scabbard and I was wondering if that is okay? because I have heard that it will "moist" up the katana and it will rust quicker? More importantly, I have oiled it sometimes and other times when I take it out and practice with it then after I'm finished, I just put it back in, is it a problem that I didnt oil it before putting it back in? (also, the katana in scabbard is sometimes next to the air conditioner, so I assume that cold air is okay for the katana? warm air would be dangerous I am guessing? Anyway, I have not been home for a while and later on I am going to have to go on buisness trips, so if I didn't oil it up and I just put it back into the saya, it wouldn't damage it? or would it?
Also when I was home, I was always wondering if you were to compare/rank the tenchi to hanwei entry-mid entry katanas, dynasty forge mid entry katanas, and oni forge mid entry range katanas.
Ranking I mean from the best to okay to not reliable and ranking them on strength, durability, fittings, and so forth. I know you already did something like this but I just want to know in a different point of view.
So sorry for these questions, no one else to ask but you sir. You are an honest man and you give great feedbacks, I do wish you the best of luck for your SBG buisness and update on us about more of Cheneses's greatest weaponry.
- Peter
ANSWER: Hi Peter,
Thanks for your kind words - I really do try to make SBG as impartial and helpful as possible and glad to hear it has been useful to you. :-)
To answer your questions:
Storing the Katana in its scabbard is no real problem, as long as you check it every now and again for rust. A fine layer of oil covering it at all times (not a huge amount, just enough so that the entire surface glistens a little) will protect it and if you are keeping it near a (cool) air conditioner, it will not cause any problems.
As to reoiling it after use (non cutting use that is), you SHOULD re-oil it as some of the oil will likely dissipate in the air. However, you can get away with it for a time. It is good to get into the habit of oiling it after each session, but if you are using it frequently in this manner, just keeping an eye on it to make sure it is still evenly covered in oil should be enough.
With regard to comparing the Tenchi to the other brands, this is my take on it.
The Tenchi is much better built and more durable than most of the mid-range Hanwei's, though they are more traditional and the fittings are much nicer.
Dynasty Forge have better blades than Hanwei and good fittings, so they are better than the Tenchi all around - though cost more - and are not as durable (the more I test Cheness 9260 steel, the more impressed I am!).
Oni Forge are about the same aesthetically, though their fittings are often looser and can be in bad condition. The owner also has a terrible track record of poor customer service over the last year, and from what I have heard, no matter how good the product is - he has ruined any chance of me buying one by a total lack of regard for his customers.
Anyway, hope this helps! I am sure you will get a lot of great useage from the Tenchi, they are a fantastic sword!
Kindest Regards,
- Paul
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