Sword Legality In Maryland, USA
QUESTION: I live in Maryland, USA. I want to start collecting swords. Does anyone know the legality of owning, carrying, etc here?
ANSWER: I have to be very careful when giving anything that even sounds remotely like legal advice here, as of course, I am not a lawyer. And I don't know the specific by laws in Maryland with regards to swords...
However, generally speaking - (insert typical legalese disclaimer here!) - you must be 18 years old or have your parents permission to own a sword, some types of swords are prohibited in different states (i.e. cane swords, concelable swords, etc) and carrying them has a lot to do with intent - i.e. don't walk around with it out of the home without good reason or use it in a threatening manner (i.e. cutting stuff in the middle of the street could well be interpreted as threatening, but doing it in the privacy of your backyard or at a dojo, obviously is ok) and common sense should prevail.
That's about all I can say about the subject. If in doubt, contact your local police department.