Sword review of Darksword Armory's "The Guardian"
Overview of "the Guardian" by Darksword Armory
QUESTION: My question is simply if you will be doing a review on Darksword Armory's "The Guardian." I'm asking this because I've been looking for a two-handed sword that is strong and durable, but that also maintains a shorter and stockier build.
From the reviews of the other swords offered by Darksword Armory, I don't think I'll be disappointed in the level of function. I'm also planning on buying the sword (if I do) through www.ArmsofValor.com becuase of the customization options, FYI.
If you would, just let me know what your thoughts are on the sword, if you aren't planning on a review any time soon...
ANSWER: Yes indeed, a review is being prepared as to go live on the site as I type this email, probably should be up within the next 2-3 days.
So I'll save the info until then! ^_^
- Paul