by John
QUESTION: I've been Tae-Kwon-Do for 4.5 years now, and have always been fascinated with the weapons aspect of it, mainly the staff and the sword.
However, I've gotten quite tired of the wooden sword, and got a little cheapo display katana when I passed my black belt test. It's the Traditional Samurai Katana- Black from (specific site: However, it is just that: a display sword. So, in looking around, I decided to start looking for one a little more... real.
I'm looking at the Practical XL Katana from Hanwei, however, I'm thinking that a good blunt blade would also be something to look into, so that brings me to my actual question:
Is there a good blunt/dull blade (not knowing the correct term) sword that you can recommend that can stand up to a lot of swinging and drawing practice (again, lack of knowing the correct terms), but still looks good and is still within the general $100-$300 US category?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ANSWER: Hi John,
Most definitely! The best ones in the sub US$300 price range that I have come across are the Delux Iaito range by Cheness Cutlery (iaito is the term you were looking for I believe. Technically it just means a sword for iai - drawing practice. But generally, most people use unsharpened ones, so when people say 'iaito' that's what they mean!).
Anyway, you can read a review of one of these swords here
They are very popular with dojo.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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