kaze vs. tenchi
by Xian
QUESTION: I have read both the kaze katana and the tenchi katana reviews and cant tell the difference... The kaze katana has a differentially hardened blade with a 9260 spine? so its really tough and super sharp? while the tenchi is an all 9260 blade that can turn a metal barrel into pretty little sculptures? so tenchi wins in toughness, and kaze wins in sharpness? its that the biggest difference between the two? oh and about the hamon, is the kaze a natural tamper line while tenchi a cosmetic one? may i have an opinion on which sword would be better for what task? I want a nice sword that is tough enough that i dont have to worry too much on the durability but also looks(dossent have to be) traditional and is nice enough to just display and has a nice sharp edge that dossent have to be sharpened often, i beleve that the hamon is the swords expression for beauty so im really looking for a nice hamon on a good beater. What has a prettier hamon tenchi or the kaze? the kaze can pretty much handle what the tenchi can right? only the tenchi can be pushed further?
To anyone who owns both tenchi and kaze, any personal notes, opinions, information and such on the comparison of both swords would help alot!!
the kaze being able to cut that freestanding paper is (to me) more wicked than beating on a metal drum since i can safely assume that i will not be attacking metal drums anytime soon.
ANSWER: Hi Xian,
Well, you never know - those metal drums have a habit of sneaking up one people... ;-)
But that aside for a moment, I am quite confident that the Kaze should suit your intended usage and you have pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Kaze is fine for normal targets such as waterfilled bottles, bamboo, tatami, etc. And it is easily the most attractive of the two - with a natural (real) hamon.
Anyway, from what you are lookin for - the Kaze would be your best choice.
Hope this helps.
- Paul