by Michael
(United Kingdom)
So, I bought a new katana (not traditional Japanese made, Chinese made but not a real cheap one.) a couple days back and it arrived with a small spot of rust on the blade, just above the bohi, towards the habaki. I thought it'd be a simple removal job, but it wasn't as simple as I thought. I have managed to get pretty much all of it off apart from the tiniest bits, but as a result from my amateur polishing job, and the fact that it was in a rather awkward place, there's a few scratches/marks and the polish seems a little uneven now.
I don't want to try polishing away further unless I absolutely have to, seeing as I have little experience in polishing. Scared of messing up the blade or accidentally dulling the mirror polish too much, or the hamon or something since this is the best in my collection so far, so I am curious - are there any reputable polishers around in the UK, and what would a small polish to clear up and marks and stuff cost?
I'd get some pictures but the only camera I have is awful haha.
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