quality and sharpness of kris cutlery 29 26 katanas
by anthony
QUESTION: I was wondering if anyone knows of the quality of the Kris cutlery 26II and 29II katanas? sharpness? And is softness a problem?
About the Cheness 9260 differentially hardened shirasaya. You sell the products so I figure you would be the person who could give me a good answer. I was thinking that this would be the best sword to get as far as being very resiliant and keeping a keen edge. I was figuring that the 9260 mono blades must be trading off edge hardness for flex. Is my thinking correct about this?
Thank you for your time,
ANSWER:Hi Anthony,
Well, I have a fair bit of info and submissions from SBG visitors about Kris Cutlery Katana on the sister site here, with the general consensus being they are a bit soft and not great compared to what is available out there these days...
As to the Shirasaya - its not quite accurate. The 9260 blades when differentially hardened become much like any other DH Katana. The Flexibility is slightly more than a normal Katana, but the edge of the blade is definitely not soft - in the mid to high 50s HRC...
But like all DH Katana, severe lateral impacts will cause them to take a set.
Hope this helps.
Kind Regards,
- Paul