by Steven Wimer
QUESTION: I was wondering if you had, or will make a review of the Edward III sword by Hanwei. I've heard quite a bit about this sword on the forum, but as far as cutting and durability tests it seems mysterious. The sword (at least to me) is perfect in terms of design, but I need/want a sword that can essentially survive the apocalypse. So if someone could bring themselves to beat the crap out of this beautiful sword and post a full review (preferably on this site) it would be greatly appreciated.
I plan on getting this sword for christmas, and if no review has been made I'll attempt the tests myself and fulfill another hopeful's questions. Also, if there are other 40-45" long medieval swords with about a 33" long blade and a wide blade under $300 please refer it to me. Thanks.
ANSWER Hey Reno,
No reviews of this one as yet - hmm, maybe yours will be the first.. ;-)
There are a few other swords with a similar profile. I have one here with me my Darksword Armory that is as solid as a rock and looks to be a very promising beater...
Stay tuned - more on that one soon!
- Paul
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