Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Gary
QUESTION: I'm interested in finding some Indian sword gauntlets, A weapon used to devastating effect by the Mughals back in the day. I look around the net but I cannot find a single swordsmith who manufactures replicas or even beaters. Any suggestions?
ANSWER: Hey Gary,
I know the ones you mean - Vajramusti - perhaps the meanest knuckle dusters the world has ever seen...! ;-)
Hmm, definitely not something that I know where to find as a replica off hand - indeed, they are not particularily well known outside of India...
But know that you know what they are called, you might be able to track 'em down...
Though I am thinking you might have to go custom in the end though - or take a trip to India, it is literally a dying art, but there are still a handful of people over there who practice it...
Good luck!
- Paul
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