by David
(muskegon, MI)
QUESTION: I have 2 questions one is have you heard anything about the (the $200 one)handmade nagamaki katana now I have done lots of research into japanese swords and I understand that there tougher swords that historically were used horseback to break swords and cut down opponents because of it's size and weight was also good for attacking the horse at the legs to get the guy on the ground for quick dispatch anyways I was wondering if you heard if they are any good from there or are they of lower quality like the masahiro's? The other question I had was you guys tested the The chinese Dadao by the Hanwei Forge but you did not test the cold steel War Sword (I was only curious because you've said before that cold steel has a tendancey to make tip-heavy swords and the war sword is about using weight to make disasterious cuts so...) I would be wondering if you might be testing wither of these swords in the not so distant future or know someone who has and might be able to shine some light on them
thank you,
David A.
ANSWER: Hi David,
I'm pretty hesitant to recommend the sub US$300 Nagamaki style swords... The main reason is, with a blade and fittings that long and at such a low price tag, the chances of there being a serious flaw in the sword goes up exponentially...
Hanwei have produced one recently that is in the $900 price tag that should be ok, but personally I would not use the cheaper ones due to the risk of breakage either in the handle or the blade.
Now, as to the Cold Steel Chinese War Sword - I haven't tested this one myself yet, but considering that it is supposed to be heavy, and has quite a simple construction so there is little than can go wrong, I'd be quite confident saying that it would live up to Cold Steel's reputation for heavy duty cutters, that is for sure.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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