Plain blade with unique guard

by mike

QUESTION: I collect a number of swords. They aren't replicas but I have come across a very odd sword. It has no markings and if it did they seem to have been destroyed on purpose. The blade looks brand new (in comparison to the hilt). I am fairly certain the it was pieced together at separate times. The hilt is comprised of what appears to be a bronze hand guard and pommel, both in a very deteriorated state. The grip is a silver color and worn. Could you possibly have any clue as to what it is?

ANSWER: Very hard without a picture or further information as to what style of sword it is. (Medieval, Sabre, Katana, etc). I am guessing it is a sabre of some description, but a pic would make a world of difference... ;-)

Sorry if I sound funny, just need more info.


- Paul

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i'm sorry. we couldn't leave this alone.
by: b&g miron

from a previous law enforcement point of view; product identification is almost always facilitated by some sort of PICTURES........not to worry though, since we read this, we have gathered together a battery of psychics and in a few days we should have a library of beautiful water colors for Paul to peruse.......please forgive our countryman in philly, after all, there is a nationwide drought of inexpensive DIGITAL CAMERAS; & after all, it is philadelphia, isn't it ..............& of course, as always, if we have offended anyone, bite us........we hope this has helped.......respecfully, the old people.

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