Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Robert Pero
(Lutz, Fl.)
QUESTION: My question is this. Will an upright sword stand do anything to hurt the blade?? Also what is the proper way to place the katana.....with the curve facing outward or inward towards to stand?? It sounds like a dumb question.....but I have only dealt with horizontal stands before and know what could happen over time for placing the katana the wrong way. I just purchased my first upright and need some guidance. Thanks.
ANSWER: Hi Robert,
The main problem with upright stands is that, over time, the gravity will tend to pull the oil down the blade, while a horizontal stand keeps it where it is.
In the short term, this is no problem, but if you were to equally oil two swords and put one in a horizontal stand and one in a vertical, you'd see that the sword in the horizontal holds its own much better against rust.
With regards to the proper way of displaying, the ha edge should be facing the inside of the stand.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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