How can I find a functional and sharp Sashka style saber?
by Derrick
(Florida, USA)
QUESTION: Hi, I'm interested in becoming proficient in saber style swordsmanship, specifically the shaskha with the guard-less hilt, and have a cheap (yet durable when not striking things) replica of the type, I was wondering if you knew of any way I could find a functional shashka that would actually be sharp and cut and most importantly not break (and isn't 200 years old and 2000$!) in order to become truly proficient in its use. None of the "sword stores" I see online have this style of saber nor do I know how to truly make sure it is a combat capable strong and sharp blade. Any suggestions on where I could find this would be great!
ANSWER: There is one doing the rounds called the 'Russian Kindjal' which is pretty similar and I believe that it is made in India from high carbon steel by either Deepeeka or Windlass (some sites say it is a Windlass, others say it is a Deepeeka - I'd say it's probably the latter as the average price is around $50).
I've often considered getting it myself because it is so cheap, so would be worth a look if you buy it from a reputable dealer such as those listed in the Sword Buyers Directory (I'm pretty sure Kult of Athena stocks them).
Hope this helps.
- Paul