by b&g miron
(danbury, CT 06810)
ginnys facial regimen
hi, my friend ....listen to this!
Ryumon Dragon Folded Tanto Features:
Hand forged HCS 1065 high carbon steel blade
Hand sharpened and differentially clay tempered
Folded 10 times making 1024 layers
Dragon tsuba
Rayskin and cotton wrapped tsuka
Your choice of red or black lacquered wood saya
Includes delixe Ryumon wooden box
Fully functional
Blade: 10"
Tsuka: 5.25"
Overall: 17"
Weight: .76 Lbs
this is the standard ryumon blurb for their dragon tanto.
this is a pretty nice tanto, made with apparently great materials & it feels of quality in your hand & it cuts stuff, so we bought a couple ......great.
to my utter dis-belief, however, we discovered the tsuka is GLUED on mekugi, at all, not even a decorative mekugi stick-on! ....amazing; what would possess them? what are your thoughts? we decided to keep them anyway because we didn't want anybody to find out we didn't know before hand don't mention it to the others....HA!
PAULS'S COMMENT: Well, your secret is safe with me... ;-)
Seriously though, that is a bit cheesy of them. In some ways, I am of two minds about epoxied tsukas. Considering that many low end Katana and swords have problems in this area, the idea of swords like the PK from Hanwei being glued is not a bad one. But they should at least put a darned mekugi in there too...!
Bizarre indeed..!
P.S. Nice pic...! :-) Hehe.
Take care and talk to you both later.
- Paul
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