QUESTION: Dear SBG I am thinking about ether buying an 0-katana or a SGC katana is there any difference in durability between these two swords?
Thank you, sincerely Gregory Holly.
ANSWERHi Gregory,
Thanks for your enquiry.
Both are extremely durable swords. I have tested the Cheness 9260 Spring Steel in many configurations and have found that despite some people worrying that the O-Katana would break in half or the SGC edge roll or chip, it simply doesn't happen - and if you have seen my tests of these swords, you'll know that if something was going to go wrong, the destructive tests I conducted should have seen it happen!
(The O Katana test is here and the SGC Test here respectively).
My advice is, pick the one that appeals to you most. The SGC is a bit heavier, but cuts like nothing else I have seen. The O-Katana is surprisingly fast and agile, and both look extremely impressive.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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