Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by J. Stupple
(Orlando, FL)
QUESTION: Hi, I've been looking at your site recently, as I'm in the market for my first "functional" katana, and I have a question regarding a particular sword that has caught my eye.
The katana in question is: here on ebay
I love the styling of the sword, but I was wondering what your thoughts were on the quality of the blade and such.
J. Stupple
ANSWER:I had a very quick look, but I can't recommend this sword at all. For a start, it is stainless steel (says so in the description, so at least the seller is honest) and for $85, you could get a much better functional sword and still have change left over...
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. If it is just as a display sword, sure - if you like it, buy it. But as a functional piece.... No way..
- Paul