Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
Buying Choji Oil can be expensive, and isn't really necessary to be honest..
For anyone looking for an affordable subsititue to Choji oil and the usual cheap cleaning kits on the market (most of which are absolute rubbish - the only halfway decent ones start with Hanwei's cleaning kit), then here's some alternatives to tide you through that you probably already have at home somewhere..
or those who prefer not to buy it and are looking to make their own
affordible version - the following recipies by VAFarmer should do the
Originally published in the SBG Old Sword Forum by VAFarmer,
April 2008
Here is the official thread on acceptable choji oil substitutes. It occured that we see alot of first time kat owners have the same post almost to a "t".
"Hi, I just bought a_________ katana. This is my first real one, and I know that you are supposed to oil it with Choji oil. I do not have any yet/didn't get very much in my kit. Is there something I can use to substitute for it."
Well first of all, congrats! Enjoy your new purchase, respect it, and care for it. Having said this, you are still dealing with a hunk of steel. Cleaning it and caring for it just takes basic stuff. Sure you can use polishing powder and choji oil and rice paper, but you do not have to. In fact, I have a kit and have used it ONCE. The rest of the time I have used off the shelf stuff. The following list of items should suffice for cleaning and protecting your fine new katana, as long as you do in fact clean it and maintain your oiling schedule, which will vary with use/climate. You should also be able to find these items relatively easily at most retailers like Wal-mart, drug stores or automotive stores, If you have "dollar stores" around, those are a good source too. Hardware stores are excellent as well, but usually not as cheap.
Make sure you clean in a well lit, safe place. By safe I mean don't lay it across your lap.
Cleaning-Rubbing alcohol is really one of the best, around 70-90% isopropyl.
Paper towels to clean with. I have also used coffee filters.
Clean the blade with a generous amount of alcohol, and remove all debris from it. This will also dry up moisture.
Wipe down the blade once with a dry cloth. Then use any of the below listed oils.
Apply the oil liberally to the blade, and then wipe the excess off until you have a thin, even film coating the surface.
These basics and materials should tide you over until you get a "real kit" if you ever in fact see the need to get one at all. Thanks to all the members here who contributed to the information, and enjoy your stay!
I hope this information on Choji oil substitutes has been helpful. To return to Navigating the Sword Care Maze from Affordable Choji Oil Substitutes, click here