Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Bookie
(Corn Patch, Iowa USA)
Yet another katana was wanted, but one that was a little better dressed than "average", but what to choose? After going over the write-ups and reviews for the custom katanas in the sword store, the SBG Custom and a few options seemed the way to go. My taste runs more plain than fancy, so basic black & tan colors with almost matching brownish copper oni tsuba and fittings were found very appealing. The folded steel blade option was chosen as well.
The katana was forged during Batch 42 and when it finally arrived, it looked even better than I had imagined. Plus, when the blade slices through the air, it SINGS! What I received was a katana that was good enough for living room display or Sunday-go-to-meetin' wearing. Remember the ZZ Top tune Sharp Dressed Man? Well, that's my sword.
Attached are a few photos. A really good pic of the blade is a little on the difficult side to obtain, but perhaps you can make out some of the details of the blade's surface.