Enter the Faux Dragon
by Steven
Thanks for that eye opener Mr. Southren! It's almost indecernable for the educated, and uneducated, to navigate through the quagmire that is the online maze with an "actual" facsimile of a sword at it's center. If it weren't for SBG, The Forum, Mr. Southren, and the true believers of the Sword Army, those new recruits would be forever lost in a turbulent sea of confusing terminology: "folded steel" "Damascus Steel" "carbon steel" "razor sharp" "4,000+ layers." It's enough to drive someone new to sword collecting into the falsely warm bosom of Shinwa *insert vomiting sound here* or even worse names I dare not utter lest they be like Beetlejuice and appear at my door if I type their names too many times. If you've been there you know what I mean! There is even a new sword brand (Sokojikara....never heard of them till today!) that sells for $299.99 on Trueswords.com and claims to bear the fabled T-10 steel of Longquan, China as its blade. The fittings (from looking at the pictures closely, without actually having to TOUCH one of these abominations) look like they came out of a Cracker Jack box and I couldn't tell if the "authentic Hamon" was wire brushed on, acid etched (me being nice) or just my imagination. Please beware guys/girls, I am not an expert by ANY means, but SBG has opened my eyes to the plethora of feces these wanna-be rat tail forges are pumping out to the huddled masses. Thanks!