Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
It's not really that hard to fix a cracked tsuka. If you can
disassemble a Katana, then you can fix the tsuka.
And as many manufacturers will put up an argument if you claim a tsuka is broken and demand a replacement (many have polices along the lines of 'you take it apart, you own the thing') - you may need to DIY it anyway..
Luckily, it is extremely simple - and all you need to fix it is some wood glue, a bit of cord or something to hold it together, and a little time to make it literally BETTER than new..
Oh, and of course you will need a cracked tsuka.. Here is one we prepared earlier..
Above is a picture of the tsuka. Looks okay on the outside, but for whatever reason, if you take a look under the hood...
To fix the crack you will need some wood glue. This stuff works so well that the area that was previously cracked will probably end up tougher and stronger than the rest of the tsuka.
Apply sparingly apply to the area, use a little and let gravity carry it down the crack. YOU DONT WANT to fill your tsuka up with glue, so remember a little goes a long way.
As quick as you can, bind the top off the tsuka tight (holding the start of the cord in your teeth works just fine) Then tightly wrap the cord around the area, a simple tie will hold it in place.
Being prompt again turn the tsuka upside down and wipe out any excess wood glue that will have been pushed out of the crack after step 4. A wire with baby wipes at the end or something similar will do, just as long as you can mop up any excess. When your happy leave it upside down for the night.
After the glue has dried, inspect the cavity for any bumps of glue, sand them off, or cut them off using the tip of a screwdriver.
It really is as easy as that..
If you are super worried about a cracked tsuka and how it may effect the safety of your sword, check our article 'Cracked Tsuka: The Scourge of Production Katana?'
Alternatively you may wish to create your own tsuka core from scratch. It's a bit involved, but with our free detailed DIY tutorial guide, with some patience and a steady hand it is possible for anyone to make one in 10 clearly illustrated steps.
I hope this information on how to fix a cracked tsuka has been helpful. To return to Basic Sword Care and Maintenance 101 from How to Fix a Cracked Tsuka in 4 easy steps, click here