Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Jimi Martinez
QUESTION: I have been doing a little cutting with my musashi and it has gotten a little dull and the tip ever so slightly blunted. Where is a good place to have it sharpened at the chain store in the mall or some of greater expertise.
ANSWER: A lot of it depends on the model you bought. If it was one of the $59 ones, it may be more cost effective to simply buy another! (or at least a generic sharpening tool).
If it was one of the mid range Katana, it can be very hard to find someone at the local knife sharpeners who knows what kind of edge to put on it. If you explain to them to try and keep the original geometry though, they might be able to assist...
My best advice is to try your hand at it yourself. As these are generally quite affordable swords, the beauty is that if you really stuff up sharpening a blunt one - you haven't lost a huge amount of money - and it is skill that every sword enthusiast should develop at some point...
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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