Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by James C.
QUESTION: Is there a way I can fix this scratch problem??Like what do I have to do to take these out to make it look brand new or just better??
ANSWER: Hi James,
Wow - you must have put that sword through some pretty heavy duty targets to get scratches like that. But not to worry - assuming the blade is still structurally ok - there are several ways you can get it fixed.
There are some quick pointers on how to do so in my free ebook Basic Sword Care and Maintenance 101 that should get the scratches out. You will of cause, lose the acid etched hamon - but there are ways to put another (even better!) one back on, have a look at my forums - there are some tips and info there to help.
Good luck - it will take some effort and a bit of trial and error, but once you have done it - it is a skill that will have forever.
- Paul