Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Darian
QUESTION: I was wondering if renaissance wax is applied in much the same manner as oils? Just wipe the blade of old oil, then choji it, then wipe off remaining choji and oil, then finally oil (but renaissance wax in this case)? If I want the sword to have a nice glass-clear transparency polish instead of a matt finish, how do I accomplish this? What tools or accessories do I need?
ANSWER: Hi Darian,
Yes, you are definitely on the righ track.
The trick to using renaissance wax is less is more, you really shouldn't use very much - just the tiniest amount here and there and then polish and buff it with a lint free cloth.
Assuming the blade isn't used for cutting, it will last for years without the need to repeat the process.
Hope this helps.
Kind Regards,
- Paul