Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Reece Paans
(Melbourne, Australia)
QUESTION: I have found a small sword I believe it is Japanese in origin.
The blade is approximately 10" long and sleek and very sharp, manufactured from carbon steel as it has some mild surface rust.
The sheath and handle are made from bone and are elaborately carved with Japanese pictures of Japanese culture (country).
Unfortunately the bone sheath is cracked.
Are you able to assist with a date/manufacturer/identifying this item.
It is a bit hard without a picture, however I think I have seen these blades before. Does it look anything like this?
(I imagine it does, as traditional swords and tanto were not actually made to this style)...
Anyway, these blades were made between around 1870 and the early 1930s and were sold as souveniers... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they are not real swords/blades by any stretch of the imagination - and have no special monetary value...
- Paul
Comments for Identification of a Japanese Sword