Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
Dear Sir,
I want to study the art of Italian duel sabre fencing and the book "The Art of the Dueling Saber" from Chris Holzman would be a great help.
I am a (modern) epee fencer from Belgium (Europe) and for some time I am very interested in the technic and skills on the use of the classical Italian duel sabre from around 1900.
Unfortunately here in Belgium fencers even have never heard of the Italian Dueling Saber so it will also be very difficult to find a proper weapon.
Anyway, is the book from Chris Holzman on the Italian duel sabre still available and where can it be bought (and shipped to Belgium, Europe)
Are there other existing sources or papers on the subject I can use?
BTW I read your great issue (may 2012) on the subject.
Comments for Is the book from Chris Holzman on the Italian duel sabre still available and where?