Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
I have had my katana for almost 7 years now, I starting practicing when I was about 13 years old in a dojo I belonged to. Unfortunately time passed and school interfered so I had put my art a side and my dojo eventually closed. Now I'm looking to get back into the art of the samurai and have gone about looking for a new dojo, how ever my katana needs a few repairs before I can start cutting. My blade is slightly bent, the Habaki is slightly loose, the koiguchi does not fit tight enough so the blade slides right out, and my blade needs a good sharpening. I have been looking around for a repair shop around my me (I live in new jersey) but the only one I have found is in Florida which is way to far of a drive. I was wondering is you had any information of any shops in my state or even in neighboring states that can help repair my katana. I know I could fix the koiguchi, but I dont want to take any chances with straightening or sharpening/polishing my blade. I appreciate any help you're able to give.
-Joshua B.
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