Even though they are discontinued now (and quite hard to find these days), I was more than impressed with the Kingdom of Heaven Swords for several very important, related, reasons.
"For a start, these swords were NOT ornamental wall-hangers!"
Instead, they were all fully functional carbon steel swords produced by one of my favorite sword manufacturers of all time, Windlass Steelcrafts.
But that is not the only reason I love these swords:
Speaking of price, they were an absolute steal at a little over the US$200 mark (though they did vary quite a bit from seller to seller).
As an example, The sword of Ibelin (Liam Nelson) used to retail from US$210 to a little over $294 not quite as much a dramatic price difference as with the some of the Lord Of The Rings Swords on offer, but a pretty big difference just the same.
It is a shame that they did not sell as quickly or as well as Windlass intended though. Indeed, they were a bit of a flop for Windlass financially and they ended up dumping them (just before they were discontinued you could pick them up in the Last chance section of Windlass Steelcrafts retail store, Museum Replicas Limited - and even when discounted down to $100 the general public STILL didn't recognize them for the deal that they were!).
Perhaps the worst part of this is that if they HAD sold well, it might have shifted movie sword collectors towards our world of real sword collectors..
But sadly, for whatever reason, it was not to be..
I hope this information on Kingdom of Heaven Swords has been helpful. To return to the Movie Replica Swords Guide from Kingdom of Heaven Swords, click here.