Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
My name is David Hannay I ran here in New Zealand. Many of you will know NZ as Midddle Earth.
There's a lot of talk about, I wont bear you with details as most of the bad news is on this site and the rest of the web .What you may not know my company also known as kingofswords, but with after it. We are in no way part of, or tired in to anything Scott and his band of pirates were up to. These guys stole my name my photos and my clients and my good will I would also like to inform you that it was my company and the Australasia fraud office that finally closed this guy down ..
We tried for years to get the Americans to look into it but they instead sat on there hands and did nothing while thousands of people got ripped. We were hoping to purchase the domain name so we could field complaints and get everyone together to take this guy out of the picture but he got wind of it and the site can not be purchased for many years.
Over the years we have fielded hundreds of abusive emails as people still thing we have something to do with this company. We have answered politely to everyone and kept their details and have helped where we can.
This rat bag will pop up again so be on the look out