Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Arturo Gonzalez
(San Diego, CA, USA)
QUESTION: I purchased my first sword a few months ago from Musashi Swords (Functional Katana with Damascus Pattern #17). I’m a very careful person when it comes to my belongings but unfortunately like any other rookie with a new toy I damaged the very tip of the sword (I attached a picture).
I know you guys have a distribution center hear in San Diego so I was wondering if you knew of anyone who can repair the damage locally.
ANSWER: Hi Arturo - and OUCH, that does look painful.. :-(
There are a handful of sword repair folk out there, but the problem is - most of them will only work on high end blades, and their services would cost you (much) more than the actual cost of the blade...
The only real option left is to attempt a DIY Kissaki fix.
It is a little hard to tell how bad the damage is from the photos (as they are not, of course 3D), but if it looks in real life as it does in the image - I would try using a whetstone to reshape the tip and then finish with some metal abrasive paper. It will take a little time, but if you are patient you should be able to get it very close to as good as new again.
Hope this helps.
- Paul