Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by Peter Wrede
I was thinking of buying an 1803 pattern Light Infantry Sabre from Military Heritage (btw, what's your opinion on swords from those guys?) for some test-cutting. Since I need to sharpen it I was wondering about your opinion on the Lansky Sharpener versus the Accusharp. I live in Sweden and I haven't found anyone who sells the Accusharp but the Lansky Sharpener is readily available.
Is the Lansky Sharpener a good alternative to the Accusharp?
Best regards
ANSWER: Hi Peter,
Military Heritage are a GREAT site with a solid focus on customer service and, importantly, they know their products and have been around for ages.
Yes, I am definitely a fan!
Anyway, with regards to the Lanksy vs the Accusharp, the Accusharp is easier to use and a bit cheaper. But I know some people who use the Lansky and swear by it.
Personally, both are not ideal - the best method of sharpening is to do it all by hand, for example, using some of the sword sharpening techniques I outline here on SBG...
But it is a quick and dirty method that gets the job done.
- Paul
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