Long Term Storage in leather wrapped wooden scabbard

by Adam Roseman
(Atlanta, GA, USA)

QUESTION: I've seen on several sites the warning about not storing in a leather scabbard but that storing in wood is ok, so, stupid question for today; Does wood include a leather wrapped wooden scabbard such as those included with Gen 2 swords?



ANSWER: Hi Adam,

Actually most of the Gen2 swords these days come with wooden scabbards - it is just that the majority of the vendors have not updated their pics yet...

Anyway, to answer your question - yes, the majority of wooden scabbards are leather wrapped. It doesn't really effect the storage ability at all - though you will want to inspect periodically to ensure that the leather wrap isn't causing the blade to 'sweat'.

Hope this helps.

- Paul

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Sword care
by: Astanax

I have heard that a scabbard, wooden or otherwise, traps moisture that can rust a blade. Such sites recommend hanging the sword up for display without the scabbard and having a good coating of Renaissance Wax™ on the blade. I use Johnson's Paste Wax™ myself. Personally, I have had a Viking sword and a dagger that was rusting from within the scabbard, the Viking sword being a leather wrapped wooden scabbard, and the dagger a leather sheath, although the dagger was rusting quicker than the Viking sword was. I live in Florida, so the humid climate could have been a factor for it as well. I have since taken them out of the scabbards, and gave them a good coating of Johnson's Paste Wax™.

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