Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by ricky read
(england )
QUESTION: I have just recived my first sword from and paid $1,199.00 for it.
It is ment to be hand forged, heat treated, tempered but I can't see any temperline on it? do all samurai swords have temperlines?
A copy of the one I brought is below
this is also ment to be a Limited Edition with only 100 made world wide.
Could you also suggest a top quality Samurai sword i could buy ?
thanks for you time
Ricky Read
England uk
ANSWER: Hi Ricky,
It does suggest that these swords have been clayed and differentially hardened, so there should be a hamon in there somewhere. From the images, it looks like it hasn't been polished out and the 'damascus' steel appearance makes it hard to see...
Anyway, for the same price - I personally like Bugei Katana. These are more or less high end Hanwei swords that are made to the exacting specs of James Williams and pre-inspected very carefully before being sent to the customer.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
Comments for my first samurai sword