No, this is NOT a question about shinwa...or whether the tenchi or kaze is better ;-)
by Brogdon M. Combs
(Tallahassee, Florida, USA)
QUESTION: Hey Paul, it's SlayerofDarkness back again for the third time in two days...whoa you must be getting sick of me lol (^_^). First off, isn't this question (VERY!!!) aptly named?
And the 'real' question- I am a big fan of duel wielding swords (Having one sword in a normal grip in one hand, and another in a reverse grip in your second hand) and I'm looking for a sword that would fit these requirements:
1. is cheap enough that a low income 14 year old could afford two (one for each hand), maybe somewhere under $150 each?
2.preferable with a one sided blade, but doesn't have to have this feature.
3.light enough that I can easily wield it with one hand
4.katanas work well for this, but can you include at least one idea that is something other than two katanas? (although I'd also like to know what katanas WOULD work well for this)
5.are not Drizzt's swords
6.are fully functional and not at all likely to fail on me
Thanks in advance!!! As always, YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-SlayerofDarkness (Brogdon Combs)
ANSWER: Hey again Slayer, tough question! (and yes, I am kind of tired of the Shinwa questions, if they would spend more money on the product and less on advertising the heck out of them, I might have a closer look! Lol).
Anyway, for dual weilding I would have to suggest a Katana and Wakizashi combination, i.e. Miyamoto Musashi. It really is hard and somewhat dangerous to use two swords of equal length, one should be a primary and the other a secondary blade - and if you need to have them functional, but under US$150 for both, then the choice really is just limited to Japanese blades - maybe some Masahiro or Musashis...
But hold that thought, I just though of something a little different - try googling 'Russian Kindjal' - they are available at quite a few of our recommended and reliable vendors for about $60 each, so that would bring you under budget and deliver a very interesting set of swords!!
See what you think!
- Paul