Mar 07, 25 01:16 AM
by L Morris
I just found this on SBG, I'm impressed. Had I know about this I would have wrote sooner.
I'll be quick, it was about a year ago I got over it but god it was messed up.
Three years ago I ordered a custom gladius from BKS. They Took my money quoted me three months.
No follow ups or emails for a solid year nor would they return emails. Typical awful yet normal sword maker stuff.
About 18 months in I get a pic, the gladius is ready. They added some more aesthetics to make up for their awful service or lack there of.
Got the sword a month later. Way to chunky in the hand. My whole commission was for a historical representation. The handle they made out of spacers and antler, it was too thik to hold and all fantasy. Plus above the wood hilt was instead of a thin bronze, a four mm thick steel plate easily adding 2 oz of weight to the whole piece.
I was still nice. Wrote them back and said this isn't what I wanted let's change it. Matt was bellicose and rude, feeling that he went above and beyond to make the fancier handle.
I'm said I'm sorry it's not what I ordered. He acquiesced saying he would change the handle. I shipped it back.
Very shortly after it arrived I happened to be perusing their Facebook and there for sale was my sword.... My gladius that I waited a year for. Saying for sale brand new for $500 a few hundred less then I paid and still with all the fancy stuff.
I couldn't believe they would sell the gladius they made me, after I waited 19 months. How long if ever would it take for them to make me a whole new sword.
I wrote this on the Facebook page. Bad enough that they took the post down.
I was pissed I wanted my money back. They refused and send me the original blade with a bit better hilt.
They are bad to work with, their blades aren't that good and they are jerks.
I'll never use them again and for how bad they treat people I'd recommend no one work with them.